then announces the song say hello to heaven. I am not strong enough to deal with addicts bullshit anymore. There is a thin line between being a friend and being a parent. You will be ok. Love lots of love. Because it does and these beautiful people have created this place for dialogue. She met musician Layne Staley of Alice in Chains at a store called Saturdays where she was working, in 1988. I hope you read this, it could really help you. I would love to read more about this era and i know there is alot of crap out there but in your opinion which book written about that time in history on AIC and even mentioning Demri would you think is the most accurate?? Thanks for setting the record when it needs to beK, COMMENT LEFT ON ORIGINAL POST: DARIN LAMBS GUEST POST ONE OF LAYNE AND DEMRIS BEST FRIENDS AND MY EX-BOYFRIEND, On this anniversary of Dems passing I just want to thank all of you especially you Barbara, Darin and Fabiola for making these bittersweet days a little brighter.when I am aching and missing her I can come here, .Perhaps my niece will write about Dems life it seems some folks are interested.but Ill need you guys for those times.we were so close as you knowthe misinformation and assumptions out there just doesnt get itthanks for truthlove you kathleen, COMMENT LEFT ON ORIGINAL POST: DARINS GUEST POST COMMENTS. There's a lot of information about Demri and interviews with family and friends. Also you dont party on heroin you longing about, nodding out, maybe drooling on yourself, and falling asleep in the middle of a sentence. Was just curious about that. Was she running scared? But, either way, I just wanted to say what a beautiful site and all the loving comments about a side of Layne that most of us would have never had the chance hear about. She once called herself an alien waiting for a ride home., Around 97, Layne had moved to the U Dist. Consider yourself having a friend in Iceland from now on. She and Layne, and Rosheen, Mike and all the friends are together and laughing, having fun and taking care of us. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiance of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. For those of you who don't know, Layne Staley, the singer of Alice in Chains, was in the long time relationship with Demri Lara Parrot who sadly died in 1996 from drug overdose. Take care!! Large gallery of Demri Parrott pics. They werent dating at the time, just sharing the apartment. Laynes father could have been that positive influence, but he only helped drive Layne to an early grave. I dont know. He became sort of ashamed and let it go longer than he should have. AIC has always been a huge impact on me personally (and musically). I have the second version and it was at the bookstore and we got it for like $20 or so. So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. Heroin is a beast of a drug all its own in short or in laymans ruins your ability to be naturally happy. Seattle police reportedly found Staley on his couch, weighing 86 pounds. Personally I see it as a travesty that she has managed to get her name linked with Layne forever in some kind of tragic love story. Scared of what? Last week she broke down mentally and was calling and texting me non stop saying she wanted to hurt herself and she felt like a piece of shit for doing this to me, she wanted me to come over to help her out with her breakdown so I . Enjoy the site and remember the point is to remember those who have DIED due to this reason. Opiate Addiction is selfish to the core. I do think that Demri deserves more appreciation in her own right, though. I left Seattle because I was very stupidly stuck on Layne and I knew that probably nothing was going to come of it. Staley's physical appearance had become even worse than before: he had lost several teeth, his skin was sickly pale, and he was severely emaciated. I am not saying Rachel is a bad person, prior to this I thought she was a hat maker genious, but it was at the very least odd because they werent friends, but Demri always the gracious host even on her deathbed. Addicts are a triggers for me so 12 step meetings are not good for me but they work for a lot of people at least in the beginning stages they worked for me too. Rest in peace beautiful angels. Movie posters. They refered to her separately as a groupie who lied and tried to have sex with them and they said NO so she slandered them. I desperately want my life back, and as much as I adore the aforementioned people, I have no desire to follow in their footsteps and go to my grave this young. I believe that although Layne loved her, and Demri loved him, they both had their own agendas for life, which unfortunately didnt mesh in the final turn of life. T urning the steering wheel hard to the right and stomping his foot on the gas, Alice in Chains ' lead singer, Layne Staley, accelerates full speed into the back of a . She had been clean for a little while before she went in and shot heroin with that guy she was dating. Chris Cornells recent death triggered something in me and Ive spent days reading through this site among others. Dear Susan, Bless you. Im very thankful for my daughter because for the first time I had to clean up and start to deal with things. Hope the families will at some point be more forthcoming as well. But I guess thats the nature of celebrity. Youve led a life that wouldve crushed a great number of people. I got it all and you speak 100% the truth. What happened with that book, he had a really good chronological order of things. RIP LAYNE RIP MUSIC. I understand that Jerry started doing cocaine again around this time. It was even sadder when we found out Mike Starr was the last to see him and saw that he was in troublebut Layne wouldnt let Mike call 911now hes dead, too. We will met them (again) and all together we will party and laught up avobe someday. Are they highor notmatters none That's her storylive yours. The second one has just a part of the interview becouse it also has Primus and Tool too, but the image quality is better. Maybe someday I will write that book but as of right now I do not have any concrete plans to do that.. and if I ever did write a book it would be about MY life not just theirs and then I would include stories that involved them but I could never write just a book about them.. to me that would be..weird, wrong possibly? I visit Demris Facebook page every once in a while and Ive learned that her closest friends dont like to disclose a lot. Also what things happen on the drugs in question that makes dating not realistic. I took this picture with my web camera.. the picture was a photo copy taped to my wall.. He had me come and look at it to see and meet the landlord. I guess most all questions have been answered on this lovely site. I loved Layne and Demri was a beautiful girl and the whole situation is tragic and if they survived maybe rock would still be mainstream. Demri has haunted me on a regular almost daily basis since I first learned about her story. I always had faith in you though. Layne did mention that he was affected by Kurts death. Im determined to fight this demon, and be a better daughter, sister, aunt and friend to those who love me. According to Alice in Chains: The Untold Story, it was love at first sight. What makes it better though is knowing that Layne and Demri, and her friend, Rosheen, are all together now, in each others company, waiting to reunite with the rest of their loved ones in eternity some day. Met Toby the Serial Killer Board Game guy in a regular looking apartment. I don't know man, you can try to write your own story as much as you want to, but it feels like some people enter this world with a story already written for them. Then I went back to Houston, where I was working at a nightclub, and the phone rang in the office. Demri was the biological daughter of Kathleen Ann (Austin) and Dennis Wayne Dougherty. If so, what kind. I was put into an induced coma for 6 days on a ventilator. The last time Kathleen Austin - Demri's mother - saw Layne was in 1997. Everything has already been said here, but I want to thank you personally. Demri Lara Parrott, 27, of Bremerton died Oct. 29, 1996, at Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland. Layne Thomas Staley (born Layne Rutherford Staley; August 22, 1967 - April 5, 2002) was an American singer and songwriter who was the original lead vocalist of the rock band Alice in Chains, which rose to international fame in the early 1990s as part of Seattle's grunge movement. She was also seeing this new guy that her family hadnt met. Her death is considered to have pushed Layne over the final edge, as he then became a recluse in his own condominium. Anway hope you continue to find this website informative and fun to visit. (Back then we were still afraid of Aids and stuff and I dont mean Layne and Demri but others that came over. Last Updated: May 2, 2022: View Complete Profile. If it is made up, then she is an amazing writer. But NOBODY should romanticize this story. Yet, MM continued on til the day she died. But i get drug tests and go to counseling and outpatient classes. A little flower wild child girl who wont be never ever forgotten and will be for ever and for always loved and missed. Barbara D. I wish they were still hear every time I listen to him sing I cry its so sad Ive been fighting my addictions for 20 years its a daily struggle but the music keeps me alive for now I pray there together energy doesnt die the spirit is forever. To give Layne and Demri a fair and honest recording of their life stories. Photographer unknown. It seems like Demri was homeless, staying here and there. XANA LA FUENTE Innocent yet provocative. Thats how Andrew described Demri when he first saw her. Not only am I a fan, but I have become intrigued by Laynes life due to having a 21 year old son, who in many ways, reminds me of Layne. Stop this. So anyways, yesterday I ran into so-and-so and blah blah blah. Thank You! Tom has two versions. Being so removed from the reality of it all only made it more exciting though, and through all my adult years I have regularly sought out every bit of information I could about the real lives of the musicians involved, and in this case, their significant others. It tries to steal your life and the sparkle or energy that flows within us all. Hope Im making sense. JOHNNY BACOLAS I found out Layne was on heroin after the Van Halen tour in 91. I dont know where he went though, and even the people who he rented from thought he was still living there. I cannot imagine how you feel I have so much empathy for you. Your writing gripped me immediately once you mentioned how magnetic some people could appear to us. I have noticed that Layne is very tall, upright in his earlier career. Layne and Demri were certainly worth knowing and there is so little about them out there. Why? I also do NOT recommend enabling or helping addicts stay in their addiction by loaning them money or letting them stay with you.. especially if their addiction is messing up your own daily lifebut I also dont recommend calling them names or hating on them either they do that enough to themselves already. Demri was passionate about many things and excelled in art and theater. She had been using off and on for a few months. But as a fan who collects all kinds of memorabilia, it is nice to have. Things were mellow, Layne was doing really well. I can see where someone would think it was her if they did not know her personally.. you know how you could pick out your best friends from just a shadow or the back of their head well that is how I am as well and that is not her. I live in the middle of nowhere with a very small population yet people are dropping like flies. Comfotably numb. I cant say I know much about her, but in the end, I hate the idea of romanticizing two junkies seemingly feeding off of each other. Addiction to herion, several heart operations leading to a pig valve heart as the last resort for survival, my own mother would have given up on me & say, You deserve to die. In contrast, Demris mother supported her through all the hospital stays, and was there for her in the end.