He speaks calm as he follows Azula. Now consider this: Iroh takes the role of og-Zuko as a constant threat in pursuit of his nephew. "Aang, Ozai is the one who burned Zuko.." "Most life is sacred", but its best friends sharing a man kinda love, Zuko (Avatar) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Shes more of a body guard that treats him like a brother, Episode: s01e19-20 The Siege of the North (Last Airbender), It's gonna suck and then it's gonna suck some more, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, Episode: s01e07-08 Winter Solstice (Last Airbender), Comics have been used as kindling and set on fire, canon ships sailing around in the background, Agricultural policy is only boring when you aren't at risk of going hungry, More tags will be added when/if story progresses to that point, Iroh has a better reason for being absent than running a tea shop, lone incident of graphic violence is present in Ch 18, Zuko isn't actually trying to kill himself, i mean it would be almost impossible not to, the rape is in the past and is going to be very vague, most of the trauma is vague and it's all in the past. He almost hoped she wouldn't divulge the location of the Avatar at this point, but if she did then he would honor his word, even if it meant he would loose her once more. Chapter 3 Is that admiral Zhao in a sequinned tutu?" Chapter 12 That was only one of the things he found arousing about her. He stepped forward and ran his hand over her skin. What if Yue started dreaming of a strange prince that was touched by the spirits like she was? Zhao is an absolute vile creep towards Zuko, which sets off all of Hakoda's parental alarm bells. And now his first child with a warrior princess from the Fire Nation. You will warm my bed from now on.. Slight AU to the finale, where Zuko tries to reason with Azula in honor of their mother. Cold metal bit into her wrists, and damp stone dug into her bare knees. Read Chapter 41: To the Boiling Rock from the story The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC) by TheGreatestConWoman with. Azula gets so invested in this that she has servants create a list of flowery insults from old melodramatic plays for her to throw at Zuko. Her fleshy tongue pushed against his own in a half attempt to exorcise him and the sensation made his groin ache in desire. It's his fault his dad was captured and he needs to fix this. avatarthelastairbender. Anyone. Theme: Nowhere to run.Prompts: Cornered. His best bet is keeping his head down and trying to survive. Then the Avatar comes seeking a Firebending teacher. Ever so slowly Katara rose to her feet. I couldn't find any Zuko/Sokka piss smut on here and let me just say. And besides, who needs perfectly functioning fingers when you can breathe rainbow dragon fire? After being rescued, can Katara help him regain himself? "Uncle. He was a handsome man, there was no doubt about that. Chapter 1 She grew up playing and spar Kai is a disgraced outcast from the Earth Kingdom. Youre going to kill each other!. Sleep now Katara. Length: 8,717 words. Hed expected the worse but the deal proposed by the enemys colonel wasnt that bad He would be constantly guarded, but it was better than being locked in a dark cell.Zuko had no other choice than to agree. The necessary development/events that contribute to the Crossroads of Destiny wouldnt have occurred. Slight AU to the finale, where Zuko tries to reason with Azula in honor of their mother. Seeing this, the man stopped. At the confusion on his prisoners faces, he leaned forward, the torch casting grotesque shadows on his face. She felt weak. He spends the rest of the time leading up to the north pole hunting the Gaang. Another rebellious moan escaped her parted lips. If you're going to stoop so low as to RAPE me, the least you can do is say my name! She screamed in anger. No harm will come to you lovely Katara. She closed her eyes to him and shook her head. Azula spoke quickly. His first time has been with a warrior who led a team modeled after Avatar Kyoshi herself. Thank you and have a nice day. Katara is ready to do what is necessary to stall until rescue arrives, but much to her surprise, Zuko refuses to fight. He was accepted well, maybe not accepted, but he was allowed into the group. Faster and faster he thrust himself into her core while grunting against her neck. If only she had been stronger. I actually love the idea of, (and this sounds terrible),do not pass go ie, Zuko being a perpetual prisoner from Hakodas ship to the Boiling Rock. When Zuko returns to the Firenation in Book 3, he and Azula bond over throwing the most ridiculous and old-fashioned insults they can at each other, competing over who can get the last word in the flowery insult exchange every time they interact without Ozai around. Not knowing that Fire Lord Ozai has already declared to the world that his son has died. Smellerbee is noted to have stopped talking and instead begun "gazing at Katara slapping Jet in a very distracted fashion and sighing wistfully.". Locked away among the bones of his ancestors, a lone dragon awaits the chance to purge the world of the evil in the line of Sozin. His breath sent shivers along her spine, and fear spiked through her being. A flicker of light appeared through a tiny opening in the metal door. Knowing how to win a war doesn't mean the GAang knows how to run a government, or broker peace agreements. He took a deep breath, exhaling his doubts. Would a rape victim feel as Katara does after the act? The story would need a new role for Iroh. Hakoda ends up a prisoner of Zhao on his ship mid Book 1 (circa the episode Bato of the Water Tribe) and ends up with an unlikely cellmate, Zuko. Desperate, he decided to try one last time. Scarred and banished as a child when she wasn't Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become e the avatar's big sister // legend of korra Please consider turning it on! Prisoner Zuko (Avatar) found family (but in prison) this totally is a fanfic of my own fanfic. 5. When the fire nation's prince is banished Kir he yearns for such violent delights and wonders if kissing the sun will lead to a violent end. The following exchange occurs: In Book 3, Zuko and Jee come across an anatomically disturbing blueprint for a statue of Ozai, and Zuko questions whether that's even possible. He roamed over her full breast and pinched the nipple, before pulling gently. Paring: Zuko/Katara. ANNOUNCEMENT v2. She was raised in the Fire Nation as a slave; to serve An unconscious stranger found in the middle of the Earth Kingdom was surprisingly saved by the exiled-Prince-cum-fugitive of the Fire Nation. Now. She runs into Iroh on her way to the royal gardens. He gritted his teeth, like even speaking to her was painful, "Why did you save the ship?" That wasn't what she had been expecting, "Why wouldn't I have?" "You could have used the storm to escape," He lied, in honesty she could have escaped the minute they were in open waters. True to his word, she was then released from the chains and taken to his bedchambers. All mine.. Kuzon for Aang. It will hurt, but it will pass. Then with one swift motion her burst through her virgin barrier and embedded himself deep inside her clenching sheath. CORALAPIZ, 2022. No guards. Chapter 2 Zhao has his way with Zuko and Hakoda does his best to pick up the pieces. He could work his way up from prisoner to ally, maybe. Don't worry, little waterbender, I would never mar such beautiful skin, Zuko said just before he began slicing her clothing from her body. Or, in which Katara is forced to work with Zuko and learns to understand him a little more along the way. Zuko. 181K 6.2K 33 Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! Now for the summary. scenario on the events of The Storm: What if Sokka and the Fisherman had been captured by Zuko and his crew? Knowing how to win a war doesn't mean the GAang knows how to run a government, or broker peace agreements. :)(on hiatus). As an older brother, he has to take care of his youn A Zuko X Reader story. She failed often, but succeeded more than that. She cried in silence, until the door once again opened to reveal two young women who proceeded to wash her body of the grime and fluids. The survivors were then escorted outside the Northern border and instructed to spread the word on what happens to trespassers. Zuko pressed a sleepy kiss to her shoulder as he finally relented to getting dressed, but he had left the Fire Lord headpiece and armor in his palace back home. Leave me out of this. Three years, a water tribe raid, and an unexpected meeting with a gang of over-enthusiastic idealistic children puts Zuko back in the spotlight. Wait would crossroads of destiny still happen or would he not care because he would literally be a prisoner at the time of it happening. His release finally came and he spilled his seed deep inside of her with a final jerk of his muscular form. "throw him into The Boiling Rock." Azula stopped listening and ran. He waited for a moment, giving time for the pain to pass. 17. Her knees popped from un-use as she rose, but the dead feeling in her arms began to subside as the blood washed back into her fingertips. Katara, despite her kindness to Zuko, is aware that he still intends to kidnap Aang throughout most of Book 1, having realized that he was exaggerating the pain of his injuries for the purposes of being underestimated as a threat. Zuko has been in the custody of the water tribe chief for weeks, which has meant nothing good for the angry Fire Prince. Zuko stepped closer and wrapped his strong hand around the back of her head. She was a feisty one, to be sure. Does he show up to the Western Air Temple, smiling like a genial old man who knows how to Set Some Stuff On Fire, and the Gaang trips over themselves to shove Zuko at him, here-we-think-this-belongs-to-you? It does not go well. All that while trying to figure out his own morals and place in this war-thorn world. Zaoh has captured Zuko and is going to send him to Ozai! A flash of recognition. Confrontation. Just tell me where to find the Avatar, He whispered against her neck, as his tongue flicked out to taste her flesh. The temptation of Suki bonding is a powerful, powerful force. In Book 1, Sokka has the tendency to bar Zuko from access to everyday objects and defending this by coming up with extremely creative ways these objects could be used as weapons. He kissed her lips again, and said, Katara, I believe I will keep you. Zuko formed a peculiar bond with an Earth Kingdom soldier and let himself be convinced that living in captivity would be better and safer than continuing running away from every nation. Heartbroken, Iroh must move on and help the Avatar win the war. Because Iroh would know about the potential time limit instilled onto Ozai's reign by Sozin's comet, this implies that from the moment the Avatar was known to have returned, Iroh explicitly had this trope in mind for the Fire Nation and his teenage nephew. Katara is ready to do what is necessary to stall until rescue arrives, but much to her surprise, Zuko refuses to fight. It seems the fact that it was the prisoners who resorted to cannibalism, and not the tribe, got lost in the retelling. Kagome and the Pirate Captain, The Silver Hanyou. She tries to drag Iroh with her to the garden. there was something hidden inside thos ATLA fanfic I offer myself as your prisoner, then., They looked at each other, then back at the Prince. He didnt expect to get captured by the Fire Nation. your body betrays you.. Why does he care if this woman cries? Her supple breasts beckoned him, and he could feel his cock harden. So this is completely self-indulging. This was a semi-shit-post I made on a whim, but now Im thinking about it. Zukos trust lvl is -3 so its going great. Zuko didn't really know why he did, it wasn't like he enjoyed his father's company. His voice was low and held his barely contained passion, You still have a chance to be free, lovely waterbender. I mean wife! Completed atla romance aang +20 more # 3 This is Home by HeretoWriteandFight 121K 4K 74 Another thing to consider. Trapped on a wooden ship in the middle of the ocean, Zuko tries his hardest to stay in control of his bending and his temper with the Water Tribe crew that holds him captive. there was voices muttering before Ozai spoke again. airbender. Stalking Zuko is an Adaptation Expansion fic by emletish that acts as a between/behind the episodes look at Avatar: The Last Airbender. His knowing smile was too much to bare, as her body defied her mind, making her knees weak. She closed her eyes against the vision of the firebending prince. Instead settling for much simpler Fire Nation attire, but Fire Nation clothes nonetheless. 16. He wanted her to enjoy this as much as he would. In Book 2 Zuko and Katara kiss upon their reunion, forgetting that the rest of the Gaang and Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot are in tow behind Katara. She this is a sokka x reader and i guess a love triangle with zuko too <3 And gets locked up for over three years. Tiny curls tickled the tips of his fingers as he caressed the tender flesh of her nether region. Sometimes he came asking for advice. So c) prisoner of the Avatar and his friends until Ba Sing Se. Slow updates and feel free to give suggestions that you would like to see in this story. She gasped and he took advantage of her mistake by slipping his tongue in to taste her sweet mouth. The Worst Prisoner series is an Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfiction by emletish of The Stalking Zuko Series fame, detailing a What If? It was either this or death. `Oh yes, she is ready for me,' Zuko thought, as her nectar flowed forth to coat his fingers. She wriggled her fingers in a weak attempt to relieve the numbness from lack of blood flow. Her voice was deeper than usual. Her climax brought about the building of his own and he rammed his engorged cock deeper into her core, slamming into her hot wetness time and again. Chapter 4 I know! In Book 2, Zuko gets in a fight with Jet in a Ba Sing Se marketplace and uses pineapples exactly as Sokka described. Zuko formed a peculiar bond with an Earth Kingdom soldier and let himself be convinced that living in captivity would be better and safer than continuing running away from every nation. But have you considered: Zuko goes straight from Dai Li custody to the Boiling Rock? Hed expected the worse but the deal proposed by the enemys colonel wasnt that bad He would be constantly guarded, but it was better than being locked in a dark cell.Zuko had no other choice than to agree. Zuko stepped back, admiring the naked beauty before him. Until a strange group of kids invade the Royal Palace, and accidentally rescue the formerly dead Prince Zuko -- their invasion had gone to shreds since the Fire Lord had disappeared, and now there was an unconscious maybe-probably-enemy lying by his feet. atla avatar princezuko +15 more # 7 The Dragon Guardian (Zuko x Reader) by JulieJorgenson 47.5K 1K 58 (Y/N) is the best female soldier of the Fire Nation. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. I guess the water bowl just didn't have enough in it to make a big enough splash. He avoided the wound there, silently cursing the bastard that did it. Three years later, Team Avatar arrived at the castle as a soldier, after which they found Zuko in prison. Her tiny form rocked with convulsive rapture as she bucked her pelvis against his hand. she just barely stops herself from screaming. Useless. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. If you wont accept me as a friend, then maybe youll take me as a prisoner," Zuko said.So they did. He would have to take her soon. The revolution is coming and it wants another poster boy, but Zuko is not willing to lend his face to the cause. Pre-Southern Raiders, in which Zuko and Katara are captured by an underground cage-bending ring and forced to fight to the death. Bonus: when Zuko asks to be taken prisoner by the Gaang, they accept. After everything they've been through together, Aang can't help but feel betrayed that Zuko kidnapped his body at the North Pole. Polar Opposites *A Prince Zuko Love Story*. "Aang, Ozai is the one who burned Zuko.." "Most life is sacred", but its best friends sharing a man kinda love, Zuko (Avatar) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Shes more of a body guard that treats him like a brother, Episode: s01e19-20 The Siege of the North (Last Airbender), It's gonna suck and then it's gonna suck some more, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, Episode: s01e07-08 Winter Solstice (Last Airbender), Comics have been used as kindling and set on fire, canon ships sailing around in the background, Agricultural policy is only boring when you aren't at risk of going hungry, More tags will be added when/if story progresses to that point, Iroh has a better reason for being absent than running a tea shop, lone incident of graphic violence is present in Ch 18, Zuko isn't actually trying to kill himself, i mean it would be almost impossible not to, the rape is in the past and is going to be very vague, most of the trauma is vague and it's all in the past.