I pray that he must show true repentance and fruit before he is ever allowed to preach from any pulpit, and I pray that process is not rushed along as we often have seen happen in the past with other fallen pastors. Where is this supposed 1,000 yr earthly reign. a normal message from an assistant with no mention whatsoever of anything. He had other associate pastors go publicly in front of the congregation after their infidelity. , ; , . There are many adversaries to the life of a believer. Flynn, what else have you learned from Chuck Missler and your Schofield Bible? _____________________________________________________________________ Andy, you are completely wrong with this! Look for your proverbial iron to sharpen your iron. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. Maybe more need to hear it. Pastor bob always taught us to keep our eyes on Christ not man. The true church is composed of all persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit are united together in the body of Christ. Others have met as well so we are a bit of a family although not admired by all. I would like to see some evidence for your claims. Columnist Gray Baskerville called CadZZilla "the most incredible transformation he'd ever witnessed",[5] and in their "History of Hot Rods & Customs" the auto editors of Consumer Guide praised it as "the first really new type of custom since the heyday of the 1950s".[4]. He admitted to committing adultery and having an addiction to pornography. They have chosen not to broadcast the family meeting about this matter from Ft. Lauderdale. Tracked down at the bar on a recent weeknight, the well-dressed ex-pastor looks no different from the days when he preached to thousands of followers. It was not readily available. Bob chose to do that. But the report is true, the blog host reported accurately and now that the rest of the media is reporting the same thing, these voices have quieted down and are left to the long task of relating to a new devastating reality. So where do you attend church? Its as though the biblical gospel is not interesting or compelling enough; its as though the biblical gospel does not comport with increasingly American ideas of libertarianism, guns, stand your ground, etc. The churchs assets are around $135 million, according to the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. What did we get when we were lied about, shunned by others who were too loyal to even ask what happened to us and raked over the hot coals by him and his leadership? Just a simple yes or no will suffice. and join the scoffers and Mockers, then you will know that Im not speaking Gods word to you! After the announcement, the congregation had a prayer and worship service. Here is what Acts 2 does to your literal 1,000 yrs. (1 Cor. Is there anything you disagree with him upon? Do you care about anyone but yourself? When my Bible says that the seven year tribulation will be a time unlike any other time in the history of man and that unless Jesus had come back when he does all life would be cut short, then anything else is garbage! Thats when the celebrity status began. The pit does not really have a padlock on it etc ) but in all that symbolism, we should take the 1,000 yrs literally? California officials considered this a "ship of Theseus" fraud, claiming that so many central elements were replaced, the cars ceased to be the same entity. . Do you think the bottomless pit actually has a padlock? March 4, 2023. "If we go off the record, I could tell you a lot," he says. Register today for the I Am His conference at. Just wanted to validate jlos welcome. With the latest revelations on child molestation, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale posted on Tuesday the following statementin response to the allegations: "Our church was saddened to hear of the allegations made against Bob Coy years after his resignation and departure as senior pastor. Did he really? Hes being lauded in many places as admirable for that. Return to homepage. Is the devil chained up right now? Please download this free book to help men you know establish Gospel-centered accountability that lasts: Coming Clean: Overcoming Lust Through Biblical Accountability. http://www.covenanteyes.com/accountability-partner-ebook/, I think quoting one of the ten commandments isnt politically correct, Having read some of the comments posted, I am dissapointed at the lack of compassion and those with self-righteous attitudes. Anyone know? I would imagine if Chuck Smith were around he would probably have Coy restored in about 3 months. The conversation is humorous. Babs, As we were talking about a couple of weeks ago perhaps Coy owns the intellectual property. ok. "Typically, how it goes in these cases is you have a violator in the church, but the leaders will have this notion that if he repents, he's forgiven, and then we don't have to talk about it any more," says Leander James, who specializes in church child abuse cases. It boggles the mind. I stand corrected. I am not honking my own horn here, either. And he also claims falsely that he was able to gain access because these crime scenes were unprotected. Sheesh, somebody tell that Alex guy to re-open comments. Some of Coddington's signature innovations were his custom-fabricated alloy wheels, typically machined from a solid aluminum billet, an industry first. What about their families? Again, welcome. Calvin did not come up with any new doctrines, nor did he teach the mangled misrepresentations that you have presented. ( When I signed in, it asked for my first and last name seemed simple enough.!) Hugh, You showed nother in John 6. This was the zenith of Jakes career. These are well documented facts. @MartinLuthersdisciple I have no sympathy for the adulterer. You never know what youd do if you were in his position.thats like a bum saying hed never do what a rich man would do. The youth pastor was set up to be the fall guy. Calvary Chapel will always be my church, I never went there thinking that my pastors were saints, I went their to learn how to become a better person, how to live a faithful life with God, how to try and become more like Jesus TRY because no one in this planet has walked without sin except JESUS. We do not know if he has repented and maybe his unrepentance (if it is) is why he did not stand before the congregation. In 2009, a fatal wrong-way crash caused by a soccer mom killed eight people. A board meeting was called on Thursday in which he confessed and resigned. If I am not blindly loyal to my megachurch Pastor I am considered rebellious. 3. Same story with sin throughout the scriptures, with example after example. I said way at the top that Bob Coy can be restored as a brother. And if not, then the best thing is to keep your lying mouth shut! Blessings on your search. Ive sat under some horrible pastors that taught fairly well. Not by nickname, but by real name, facebook and email often even knowing each other in person when geography permits. My ex CC pastor is following Coy in his vision of mult-sites and to me its just not a good vision at all especially when the pastor falls like this. There are a lot of Calvary Chapelites out there that almost worship Bob more than Christ. Grace Bible Church Plantation. I think child molesters and child abusers are much worse, but then again Im neither of those two so I am probably a bit biased. All over FB all the loyal supporters from his church are posting what I view as self-righteous comments. We all do it. Andy, did you get your 691 out of a Chick comic book? I was able to get some details on the matter and published yesterday afternoon. In another, he called adultery "the ultimate betrayal of trust in human relationship" and cautioned that "repentance is not just being sorry that you were caught.". I suspect you are an attendee at CCFL and you are angry, but dont shoot the messenger.. there was a guy who did so once, reluctantly. Sure would make the shame easier to bear. So here is the text. he separates the sheep and the goats 3.) Dont over react to what you see here. The only thing that covers ALL of us who are fallen to begin with is the Blood of The Lamb of God which was shed at Calvary and that covers Pastor Bob right now too ! He's an engaging storyteller "somewhere between Billy Graham and Billy Crystal," the Miami Herald once suggested with an easy laugh and a voice that excitedly rises into high nasal registers. So heres to you hypocrites as you go to bed tonight and pull out the pleasure files! I hope in time Bob will have someone reach out to him as I have dear people and pastors reach out to me. Michael says: February 9, 2020 at 7:20 am. Lastly, if the assumption of some is correct (that Coy will re-surface soon..to be reinstated), would any mature believer out there choose to sit under the teaching of a re-cycled pastor in favor of a shepherd who will lead Gods flock with integrity of heart? Oh, he doesnt think that on the surface, but he knows what he is doing. Unreal. The only ones that are monogamous are the ones who have no choice because theyre either too old, too fat or too ugly or too poor. I also posted a Youtube of BC at Liberty University at last yrs graduation ceremony. By the way, the dwarfs are for the dwarfs. When a mocker comes along it is real important for him to be smart and accurate with his mocking. No one is that big an idiot as you are letting on. God bless. There is are discrepancies in CCFTLs numbers, not mine. Jessica Hahn was a plant and Bakker was a willing stooge but I still felt bad for him. Let the people who preach the forgiveness of sins demonstrate the message. ( |o )====:::Convenient answer, ======= or whoever you are. Period. You added the words SEVEN YEAR tribulation to that quote. [2] I would say this before you do anything , cry out to the Lord on your own and I mean CRY OUT!! I understand giving Bob grace. . I hope you all dont choke on these morsels of gossip. Anonymous 542 Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness. not Does because and yes a dog does. Even more reason the transformation gospel is a myth. In one case, victims claimed the church knowingly moved a pedophile to another city without warning parents. If the doctrine was a 9 and you are Spirit filled then find a like minded church that teaches sound doctrine and stay away from reformed theology and Calvinism which contradicts the word of God, your going there will be like putting new wine into old wine skins! I dont take pleasure in his fall but it appeared inevitable. The case was thus closed and made "inactive" in October 2015 pending the victim's cooperation. I dont give a rip if you allow this past the moderation phase or not! Afterwards BC was the poster boy for raising money and he spoke for Crown Financial on how to get the church to give. after being a Christian? Your right Dusty. Your cognitive dissonance is kicking in. The sin that I spoke about happened 24 years ago, but the hurt caused is still fresh in my heart. It boggles my mindboggles itthat you want to haggle over the terms of removal of someone who we now know had at least two affairs and a porn problem. Coy had forsaken rock 'n' roll for Jesus but then became a rock star anyway. he also had an administrative staff that helped him with a thorough and expository message, precept by precept. What you are saying is exactly what you are doing. I lean towards Calvinism but not even close to Dominion-ism. Hugh. Why is same-sex marriage an issue in the election of the new Scottish First Minister? "If you're angry or you're disillusioned or you're fearful, if you embarrass yourself or you disappoint yourself he can take all the mess and turn it into something beautiful.". And no I dont listen to Chuck Missler or have a Schofield, I just read the Bible, you should try it sometime! Then she drew a stick figure lying in the road. Im sure he was forced to leave and CC is doing everything they can to make sure that he will not be remembered. One problem with doing research, particularly through the internet search engines, is that you will find whatever you are looking for. Youre evading the question, who are your accountability partners, what is the name of your congregation? Founded in 1985 by Bob Coy and his wife Diane, it is affiliated with the Calvary Chapel movement. Is there a man here who would go over and console Coy at the expense of his sister. Sure would make the shame easier to bear.. , ; , . According to a statement from the church at the time, he had confessed to a "moral failing." "Those men cannot call sin sin," one 20-year veteran of the church complained to the publication. Please dont forget them in your prayers that God will put godly counselors in their paths to help them with their pain, their fear, and more than likely their doubt in their own faith. About half a year later, the victim visited the police department and said she had an "experience with God" and has found forgiveness for Coy. In the huge sanctuary, a ten-piece band including four guitarists, a drummer surrounded by glass sound walls, and two keyboardists rocked out in front of a laser display that wouldn't be out of place on a Justin Bieber tour. MacArthur isnt a wolf in sheeps clothing, hes just a self-righteous pious a-hole from the pulpit, but at least he tows his own line in his personal life. Nothing special about me, only the strength the Lord provided. Unfinished art is never pretty. "We learned of this report after it was disclosed and reported to the appropriate authorities," says Michael Miller, a church spokesman. Hugh, With MLD leading the way with his self righteous smug attitude!. Designer Chip Foose (Overhaulin') and fabricator Jesse James (Motorcycle Mania)[8] Without right doctrine, it doesnt matter how well they were behaving. I did the change the headline to removed so as not to get caught up in ridiculous minutia. I wan tho know ow long has he been having affairs Michael, if you have concret evidence that he committed adultery and was addicted to pornography can u provide any other details? Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director turned religious leader for one of Florida's biggest megachurches, has been accused of molesting a 4-year-old girl. Bob Coy did not address the congregation on Sunday. Check out the evidence here: http://www.thewatchmanwakes.com/John-Macarthur-Kory-Welch.html, bob wrote: And if thats not enough proof that hes getting rich off Jesus. I am obviously perfectly aware of what I quoted and what you quoted as the posts show. I thought so. > Steve Wright, ( obviously a real person, one of the brave ones): as you correctly state, I am in fact a visitor, and apparently one arriving with nievte (relative to a newcomer).as you so poignantly state, caught in the wreckage Yours is the only post that reflects some of what I would expect/hope for amongst believers , (and for that I thank you i.e. I know it is difficult to understand that something good will come from this. 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. As it is biblical to do so. I dont think so. Be careful, any of us could be next. Could your husband or wife do (or be doing ) such a thing? LOL. Several people who witnessed the accident immediately ran to assist the victims. As for your other questions well the answers from my point of view are complex and mixed. Thats right, his own church leadership did the judging. Not one is perfect and we all fall short. MLD is too old to be tempted. Flynn, Can you show me where your Bible says that the seven year tribulation will be a time unlike any other time in the history of man and that unless Jesus had come back when he does all life would be cut short, ??? We are told 20,000 attend the church. You may buy the old line well we were just standing there and our clothes fell off I dont. It hasnt and will never happen. And this is no strike whatsoever at Coy. Antonio- Please find for me the scripture references for Moral Failure. Sorry, youre a victim of the fallacy of false dichotomy. I need it just as much (or more) than he does. Yes I do. If you answered yes to all 7 questions you are a Preterist Scripture denying Calvinist! Newnham also wrote that Coy was taken off the board membership page for the Calvary Chapel Association, a ministry started by the late pastor Chuck Smith. Im just glad I dont see you all questioning Bobs salvation. If youre so incredibly stupid as to think Id print something that inflammatory without proof, I really cant help you. The tribulation as Jesus described in Matthew 24:15 is at the middle of the week. well obviously your information is wrong. That was where I thought I was saved. I craved the emotional and physical support I wasnt getting. Antonio. Why? Some of the biggest anti-Semites have been Jewish! I hope Joe Focht can get her story and reconsider the Moses Model and other vision casters in his region. How is it bogus? Thank you for posting such a powerful and healing message. Shortly after resigning, the disgraced pastor moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where Calvary Chapel has another affiliate church. Too much too soon. Her first three children with her husband Steve are Stephen "Danny" Daniel (born 1979), Cheryl Lynn (born 1976), and Christie Ann (born 1974). She also loves Bode dearly and does everything in her power to help him. This website is, usually, dominated by people that hold to one very narrow view of eschatology. The difference between fired and resigned in corporate America is usually a matter of semantics and legality, not repentance. To err is humanto forgive..divine. Pastor Bob has always reminded his congregation that they should look to Christand not to man. I have been married over 45 yrs and am almost Muslim like when I come in the presence of other women. Many of the next generation of customizers started their career with Coddington. see thats where it gets tricky. In 2006, Coy's church in Fort Lauderdale landed in court over claims of lax oversight. Mary, Of course I believe in the return of Jesus I dont believe in a rapture beforehand and I do not believe in a 1,000 yr earthly reign afterwards. We are all fools if we judge a fellow brother.to the amount of forgiveness and grace and mercy we give, it is given to us.go light on your brother, for we have been forgiven much.. anything else is not of Christ.beware.and anyone who tries to twist it, discipline is always meant for restoration. You dont have any morals.your life is a lie. I had a CCer proclaim on the other blog one time, Chuck would NEVER lie!, and I commented, wow, thats amazingyou mean Chuck Smith is perfect now like Jesus and hes never lied since he became saved? As a doctrine, it leads people to follow the antichrist who comes to unite the worlds belief systems. TV ACUTE is a full entertainment site where you find tv series related press releases , promotional photos tv news and movie updates. And I also said that I would not give him the keys to another church. come now and get real it is plain as day, that if you really read the Bible with all your heart you would know that the mark of the beast is a bar code stamped on your forehead. Through that rehabilitation, I became a better man. MLD, I would love to meet you someday, as you are the only man I have heard of who does not struggle with this in some way., LOL. Everything is documented from Macarthurs own words. And this must continue for no less than the time it takes to convince (with actions/not words) the Body that the work they see in Bob is Gods and not Bobs. All the sacrifices.to be harmed by so many in leadership that did their own thing without anyone knowing. That may have been accomplished through small home groups, but his magnetism and charisma kept a need for a larger building. And I am not a Calvinist. Do you think that this is the only sin we are all vulnerable to ? Clearly some felt the news should come out right away rather than one last sunday morning coverup cum offering and they made sure that is exactly what happened. True repentance bears fruit. 7 The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. I think its safe to say Macarthur earns over a million per year off jesus. Check out the evidence here: http://www.thewatchmanwakes.com/John-Macarthur-salary-GCC-corporation-Larry-King.html, And if thats not enough proof that hes getting rich off Jesus, then understand that John Macarthurs Grace To You with Macarthur as President and his two sons as Director and Treasurer, give $700,000 annually to a private firm owned 100% by John Macarthurs son-in-law. Coy is a big boy and knew full well what he was doing, he got caught and now its time to pay the piper. Instead of just cowardly putting it on a message board to a bunch of strangers. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook. Money, Power and Sex: Mamon, Mars and Aphrodite. The governing board of the church is providing counselors and ministers who will help guide him through the process of full repentance, cleansing and restoration, the statement reads. On April 3, 2014, Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, after admitting to committing adultery and having an addiction to pornography. In 1968, he moved to California building hot rods by day and working as a machinist at Disneyland during the night. Lets let our new folks visit and vent. I am Michaels friend and have known him for several years now. A call to Coy on Sunday (April 6) was not returned. Coy wouldn't be charged over her allegations. Had a phone call and was ready to continue a bit with RiBo but think it best to set it aside as there are tons of people reading now and also per Michaels request @ 166. The make-up session with DC was at the auction so it was bid on. And bravo to a strong board if they are able to prevent these common pitfalls of a fall. The senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale's resignation comes amid reports of an affair scandal and admitting tocheatingon his wife, Diane Coy. 33 Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing. He should have been honest and asked for a divorce. <3. One of the gals from Saturday Night live attended- I forget her name and they really used that to their advantage-she was mentioned. and someone from the OUTSIDE. A CCFL employee posted it on my blog and I started asking questions all over the place and then published the question. In fact, he says Capitol Records paid him to party. For many people, restoration mistakenly means the duration before the erring pastor is behind the pulpit again. Surely nobody thinks they just found out at the Sunday afternoon meeting. But to be honest, I dont think eschatology should be a dividing line doctrine that some folks put it into. Fact. You sound too often like a bored office worker that just likes to argue with people online. yup. . This blog had nothing to report except for what some very connected church leaders gave the writer to report. Let me answer some of your comments posed as questions: I doubt anyone has any idea where the 103 million was used. God also allowed me to be able to talk with someone and tell if they were struggling. Even her real son couldnt muster any rage. Youre not speaking Gods words, youre talking out your sanctimonious backside and youre in sin. Michael and erunner, thank you for the kind words. Not good. Very sad. However, Bob has disqualified himself, perhaps for the rest of his life, from the office of Pastor. Actually that is not in the Bible a humorous mistake for a literalist. I guess it can happen to anyone to be star struck. I am a crazy renewal charismatic and a covenant theologian but NOT a Calvinist. To Michael (#646), It isnt the case that the MLK crime scene was unprotected. Forgive me, I was callous. Andy, I saw no verses posted by you AND you have not shown where Jesus spoke of this 1,000 yr earthy reign. My advice, not that Im anybody, is to keep your eyes on God an always seek MATURE counsel. Answer mine first! Bob is still as precious as ever to our Father. Itll continue, itll just be a lot smaller taking in a lot less money than pre-moral failure, 807 you never proved anything that you claimed which is rumoured to be false. LOL. [7] Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. What's even weirder is that a bunch of basically identical articles about her that state it was a rumor prior to the series dropping but now is "debunked due to her being in the series" which makes zero sense since people can die after filming an interview and just shows they didn't watch the series. Flynn, He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven. , You obviously do not understand how numbers are used in Daniel. I have to be totally confident that Im right. It's still not clear how Coy's sexual indiscretions came to light in 2014. 6. no takers? They could not take the invasion of their religion as the king of Prussia made them worship with the Calvinists that another story. Flynn, I havent reseached this in its entirety but there seems to be 89 verses on election. ALL in South Florida. Why does the emphasis these days seem to be on altering The Message in a manner which appeals to the culture? It is never healthy. I have always been amazed I wouldnt know how to tell a dirty joke or swear in front of a strange woman. one more bad guy to add to the never ending. PS Connie and Ashleigh (Pastors Gregs wife) have been afflicted with cancer I will ask you all to hold them in prayer this month please. I reject his whole eschatological scheme, so I could care less. Indeed, police records show no progress on the case until eight months later, on April 4, 2016, when Coy's young accuser showed up at Coral Springs Police headquarters. Any recent full frontals of his mistresses? Miami's independent source of Net Worth of Coy Gibbs-After the death of Coy, the citizens are sincerely interested to know about his net worth and constantly search on the internet. None are anointed in this age, none are special, none are transformed in a practical sense. "I was living a life of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, literally," Coy told Stetzer. We all sin, but this is heartbreaking. Lets you and I join in prayer along with all the others that are doing the same thing for Pastor Bob and pray that The Lord will deliver him from this horrible thing. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Now, tell me how you play around and allow yourself to be tempted. I dont know if I can remember everything I said. Sorry, been in and outlong night on many fronts. im sad. The superstar life isnt good for anyone. I may have forgotten the exact amount but it was somewhere between 3,500.00 and 5,000.00. Payne had experience with sensitive cases involving sex crimes; earlier that year, he'd investigated a high-ranking cop for allegedly assaulting a 13-year-old girl. Its always awful, no matter the denomination or the size of the congregation. How I have seen just over the last two days, about where a person goes for Bible interpretation, will make all the difference. he told everyone that if they left because he left You are lost! Were the same sinners as before. Kempner had a historyand was unrepentantuntil I posted the arrest record. I would also see their wives looking at them and nudging them. Whats the big deal, so he diddled a few broads, werent they consenting adults, how can anyone judge, maybe they had an open marriage, comman people relax its only sex, it only last a few minutes, what is that, like less than 5% of all the other things hes doing for the church, leave the guy alone, I dont see any women complaining, didnt King David have a few dozen women standing in the wings waiting for their turn, and how bout Solomon, a few hundred to choose from, well dont read their works in your Bible then, and isnt every pastor guilty of adultery if you take Jesus words seriously, that to look upon a woman with lust youve already committed adultery, using this criteria shouldnt every pastor in America be fired, give the guy a break, hes a good teacher, everyone strays a little bit and has a little strange on the side, many wives know this and realize it doesnt mean anything, just a little release. Loss of friends. Jesus denied he was setting up a kingdom on earth and somehow you insist he was mistaken and that he actually is you have the place, Jerusalem and you have the time period, 1,000 yrs. The statement went on to say that a team of assistant pastors already on staff will maintain their usual rotating schedule as teaching pastors for all services. I have no idea if they were paid for , or what the arrangement was. I knowI can tell when youre chewing me out. Interesting point and something Brodersen/CCCM and Smiths/TWFT are battling overthe IP of Chuck Smith and if his work was his or the property of CCCM. In time. We are a body in need of healing, this should be a time for all those afflicted similarly to be provided with a vehicle to come forward and seek healing.