MAPLE CREEK, Wis., Dec 19 One of the three recently discovered mounds in this town has been opened. I see fake garden gnomes on peoples lawns. See what you can see. Just read the Bible! Ive said DOZENS of times that the Scriptures of the Old Testament talk about giants. And where does all this fit in with the evolutionists? Im waiting too but you seem to be one who doesnt even believe there are giant skeletons or never were then why do you bother watching these shows and commenting on this site ? Doesnt take long to spot a government troll these days. There is a prevailing scholarly consensus that we have an adequate historical understanding of the peoples who lived in North America during this period. WebIn this video we take a look at the giants that were unearthed in Wisconsin in 1912. Again, real giants have existed and do exist. Discover some of the worlds strangest ancient places. The excavators discovered an elaborate old time fort which they called Aztalan. Only one explanation? Have a great day people and all ETs. Egyptians have hieroglyphs of their own people together with giants. The contention are the absurd claims that there were giants of 20-30 feet, or even taller. It she since then (meaning 1912) there have been OTHER (meaning different) findings of giant skeletons in which photos have been taken. Where is the evidence of a conspiracy to hide evidence? But the enormous size of the skeletons and elongated skulls found in May 1912 did not fit very neatly into anyones concept of a textbook standard. One disturbed mound was found to contain the remains of a young female now called the Princess of Aztalan. Thats simply nonsense. Their heights ranged between 7.6ft and 10 feet and their skulls, PRESUMABLY THOSE OF MEN, ARE MUCH LARGER THAN THE HEADS OF ANY RACE WHICH INHABIT AMERICA TO-DAY.. The reason why I am bringing up giants will all tie into politics, and word happenings. There was space then on our planet. Whats the photo doing there if its all false? The Radium Girls, Radium Jaw and the Women D Edmund Fitzgerald Bodies: The Shipwreck that Cremation Video: See What Happens During the Video of the Bizarre Magnapinna Bigfin Squid. On the day that a scientist debates a creationist at a museum, it would be interesting to know what the scientific side to this story is. Was Jesus An Extraterrestrial Or Possibly An Anunnaki Hybrid. You are an utter moron if you believe this. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This door and the contents of its vault are virtually sealed off to anyone, but government officials. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. For those who hide facts, have something to hide one should read the book of Enoch. Washington County Paranormal is currently available from Amazon right here. The absence of large human remains only shows there must be a cover-up. On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. Where in I do believe in giants because the bible spoke of giants in the land. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The site features a collection of unexplained, strange and odd mysteries. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Your ancestors recorded the tragic event at Gen 7:21-23. As for giants existing, there would be a fight in the academic world over truth simply over the fact that one personss theory that has existed will have had many years of that persons life taken proving that theory. Sarcasm? This tells somethings about visitors from Space. Luke, perhaps you shouldve read some of the previous comments in this thread before commenting. Why one and not the other? According to the book of Genesis: There were giants in those days. because you get a kick out of making fun of people like myself who do believe and do not like the black and white world of skeptics and naysayers most likely you also do not believe in UFOs as millions of people who do and countless thousands have seen them professional as well as military and astronauts have also seen them. And your proof for people in the past being taller than present people would be .. what? Oh, by the way, Atheism: The rebellion against God as explained in the Bible. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. A New York Times article published December 20, 1897 reported the discovery of a giant human skeleton in the largest of three recently discovered mounds in Maple Creek, WI. It would be easy for these arrogant morons to deny they exist if there were only one but there have been hundreds of these skeletons uncovered all over the world. The early books were never meant to be understood in a literal sense. Youre placing a modern-thinking filter over a presentation, or a representation rather, of a mindset from thousands of years ago. Giant Skeleton Unearthed By Wisconsin Farmers in 1912 November 16, 2014 / in From the Grave / by J Nathan Couch The following is an excerpt from J. Nathan Couchs book Washington County Paranormal, which details the local history and legends of West Bend, WI and surrounding areas. On May 4, 1912, the New York Times published a surprising news: Archaeological excavations near Lake Delavan in Wisconsin had found skeletons of extraordinary dimensions. On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and theybarechildren to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.-Genesis6:4. The skulls lack of protruding cheekbones suggested that it belonged to a different race of men than the Native Americans. WebSkeleton of giants as tall as 10 feet, were discovered in Wisconsin. The Lake Delavan find of May 1912 was only one of dozens and dozens of similar finds that were reported in local newspapers from 1851 forward to the present day. All animals were much larger in the past. Who in Washington Will Earn Respect and Trust. The Bible explains clearly why they are here and who they were. Without evidence, does one of those things make more sense than another? Also known as the Sumerian Gods said to make the humans on earth by mixing there da with neanderthals use man as slaves they left and gave us the planet after they was done with the mineing, Genesis 6: That tall. It's also very weird that scientists are keeping quiet about their discoveries. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a donation. It stated that these skeletons had heights which ranged from 7.6 feet up to 10 feet and the skulls were much bigger than the heads of any type of person who lived inside America today. This has NOTHING to do with whats being discussed here take it to another site. Quran says that mountains came from the sky, the seed of the man comes from the spine, it teaches to kill all non muslims, tells them to lie. Heres a helpful illustration to show you precisely and incontrovertibly why: Sigurur Jel Sigursson Wiium, I hear u can find plenty of evidence for giants There are records of some of them .. According to several reports, over one hundred years ago, researchers discovered the burial mounds of what some are calling a lost race of giants near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin. Giant skulls and skeletons of a race of Goliaths have been found on a very regular basis throughout the Midwestern states for more than 100 years. Your email address will not be published. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What is your source from making such a claim? WebThe real giant skeletons of lake Delevan Wisconsin. Just asking.. what does religion have anything to with it, the ancient greeks mention them also, so do we have to believe in zeus? Its like the goldfish in a bowl. One had recently been opened. The jaw bones are long and pointed, bearing a minute resemblance to the head of the monkey. I have to say they hold little to no water. An excavation of one large mound on Lake Fawn Farm near Lake Delavan revealed the skeletal remains of eighteen individuals measuring between 7.6 and 10 feet. The truth is coming out. Those are skeletons from the agarthas. It had ^ fingers and toes also and 2 rows of teeth, Oops, that 6 fingers and 6 toes along with double rows of teeth. The Lake Delavan Giant Skeletons found in 1912 were not the first skeletons to be found in Wisconsin. They were measured at heights between 12 to 15 feet tall. The dig site at Lake Delavan was overseen by Beloit College and it included more than 200 effigy mounds that proved to be classic examples of 8th century Woodland Culture. However, the mystery started after the discovery was made as nothing more was known about the skeletons. In 2002, National Geographic reported a dozen Cyclops skeletons found in Greece that stood 12-15 1/2 Ft tall. The idea of a giant person is that of a great person, a person of importance, and the only way to display that to posterity is to display them AS larger-than-life. But theyre too steeped into their own mythology, and to proud to admit theyre wrong. And seeing as it was along time ago, then you should have in your possession, a mountain of evidence, in order to continue in your endeavours for these giants. The skeleton in the image at the top of the post does have a shadow, only its running in the opposite direction of the shadow of the man, and is a blatant testimony of its fakery. Greek Mythology talks about war with cyclops learning they had to bring down by taking out their legs rendering them slow and helpless. Thus meat eating became acceptable among humans. K? Ah. One is the obvious fake picture used at the beginning. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Heads usually found are elongated believed due to longer than normal life span. According to prophecy they will return. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. AMONG THESE BONES MAY LAY ANSWERS NOT EVEN SOUGHT BY THESE OFFICIALS CONCERNING THE DEEP PAST.. The Lake Delavan Giant Skeletons found in 1912 were not the first skeletons to be found in Wisconsin. It seems as though possibly the religions and the governments got together and confiscated all the giant skeletons, probably to stop worldwide panic after a few real good movies came out. The heads of these giants were much bigger than the heads of a normal human being. You have no idea how hard these pranksters are LAUGHING AT YOUR EXPENSE. Some people are too close minded and uneducated to even consider that something they have never heard of is based in reality. Wouldve blown more than a few minds back then, eh? This SHOW ME THE PROOF attitude is so silly. However, the long record of anomalous finds like those at Lake Delavan suggests otherwise. This is quite evidently how you operate as well, as you didnt even bother to look at my posts, but had no problem in slandering me and suggesting that I not only dont believe in giants, but that I dont look at the evidence. There have been many cover ups over the years 4 many things. It is unknown why scientists have continued to remain silent about the discovery of giant human skeletons. In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. How do we know? In South America, it has been found several thousand year old sculptures of dinosaurs, perfect in their shape, which is a clear evidence that man and dinosaurs lived together. You saw pictures on the Internet? It always amazes me to see just what sidestep maneuver that these folks come up with when they discover items that interrupt their evolutionary timeline, and there are MANY at this point. 36 feet? So each may come to their own conclusion. To illustrate this you only need to look at your quote from 1912. Among these bones may lay answers not even sought by these officials concerning the deep past.. WebThe mystery behind the 18 Giant skeletons found in Wisconsin Subscribe Now: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers And I say this as a proponent of a 6-day creation. The answer is no. But the skeletons placed on display are normal-sized, and according to some sources, the skeletons of giants have been covered up. The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars. Those vintage women must have been some real hotties. But Im sure Ill be waiting, and waiting, and waiting (like so many others) for such evidence. Oh look mommy, its a personal attack. They were taken from a website call ( the photos showing the giant skeletons were a part of a digital manipulation contest, hosted by the site. In other words, Baloney! If so, then you are out of line to say that you dont need proof. But there is Z-E-R-O evidence for giants the likes of which are found in the faked images on the internet, and these goofy videos found on YouTube. In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. The Waubonsie Stone in Chicago: An Ancient Altar for Sacrificing Babies. The article states the skeleton measure over nine feet from head to foot and the skull was as large as a half bushel measure. Tempered copper rods and other relics were found with the bones. Have you evidence there werent real ones ? To think yourself and your OPINIONS based on FACTS are infallible is ridiculous. Commonly referred to as the Effigy Mound Builders, they lived in Wisconsin and neighboring states between 700 CE and 1200 CE. The real giant skeletons of lake delevan Wisconsin. GOD is still real whether or not anyone believe in Him or not. Were they deliberately hidden from the public? There was a charge to see it. She claims a 2002 national geographic article discussing dozens of giant skeletons found in Greese. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". By clicking Accept Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. They were the great heroes and famous men of long ago. I also have to say that Ms. Ruble is also guilty of the practice of yellow journalism tactics in this article. Theyve been busy feeding us Creationist and evolution garbage for hundreds of years. Thanks. Make the most of now. I do believe in angels and I require no proof, just faith. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. It was not even the first set of giant skeletons found in Wisconsin. Why does the Mans shadow go to the left, and the skeletons shadow to the right? Either this is a real photo or the photo has been exceptionally photoshopped. The jews, the jewsthe jewsget a learned educated well researched life people.ask yourselves why would any arkist not want to publish such a giant find.I would think they all live for suchfinding an entire 18+ of these giants indicates a cultured peopleall layed out in the same areaculture?? But the skeletons placed on display are normal-sized, and according to some sources, the skeletons of giants have been covered up. First reported in the 4 May 1912 issue of the New York Times the 18 skeletons found by the Peterson brothers on Lake Lawn Farm in southwest Wisconsin exhibited several strange and freakish features. Show them to the world!!!! I seriously doubt it what they saw and are seeing is real and the only ones lying are those who want to keep the status quo by keeping their reputation at the cost of others who have presented the skeletons and this must change. Oxygen levels were much higher then. Your email address will not be published. Greek Mythology talks about war with cyclops learning they had to bring down by taking out their legs rendering them slow and helpless. legends of the anunnaki people fit this perfectly. (anomaly + alien) is one of the most popular websites with the latest breaking news and articles on UFOs/UAPs and all the unexplained and paranormal since 2013. The shadows should still project in the same direction. Nobody is suggesting infallibility, but without actual evidence why believe in Giants and not believe in a race of 2 inch tall humans, or vampires, or leprechauns, or flying monkeys, or angels? Sorry. Specifically, the Smithsonian Institution has been accused of making a deliberate effort to hide the telling of the bones and to keep the giant skeletons locked away. . These news stories were all written at a time when all news papers sensationalized stories to out sell one another. More about this can be found in Washington County Paranormal: A Wisconsin Legend Trip by local author and investigator J. Nathan Couch . I was fascinated by Lizard Mound County Park, just outside of West Bend, WI, ever since my first visit when I was very young. Upon excavation, a skeleton measuring over nine feet from head to toe was discovered with finely tempered copper rods and other relics. I see no leprechaun skeletons in museums either. More oxygen in the blood means a stronger,larger, and smarter body. The scientists that did find them, did cover them up. Where are the real ones??? On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. An hour and a half of Photoshop strikes again! Misprint in some information, this picture could not have been taken in 1912; no such thing as color film. look into the story, please. A few species, not all, had larger variants in the past. Heads usually found are elongated believed due to longer than normal life span. Does anyone know whether The New York Times investigated and corroborated these accounts of giant remains before printing the stories for the public? Yes! There is proof all over the world of giant skeletal mounds! Fake. I read the Scriptures and study them on a daily basis. In fact I appear to be one of the very few people on this site who DO look at the evidence. In 2002, National Geographic reported a dozen Cyclops skeletons found in Greece that stood 12-15 1/2 Ft tall. Evolutionists will not talk about it and I have no trouble understanding! This is total BS, but thanks! For a human to be literally comparable to the size of an ant in contrast to a giant, the giant would have to be about 1460 feet tall. .. On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. THE CELEBRATED MOUNDS OF OHIO AND INDIANA CAN BEAR NO COMPARISON, EITHER IN SIZE, DESIGN OR THE SKILL DISPLAYED IN THEIR CONSTRUCTION WITH THESE GIGANTIC AND MYSTERIOUS MONUMENTS OF EARTH ERECTED WE KNOW NOT BY WHOM, AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE WE CAN ONLY CONJECTURE, SAID THE TIMES. Since the skeleton was assembled by farmers instead of archeologists, it seems wrong to take their estimation of size as accurate. In August of 1891, it was reported that scientists from the Smithsonian Institution had found numerous pyramids shaped burial mounds near Madison, Wisconsin. Over 200 Giant digs have been found in recent years. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Youre absolutely right, and nailed it. more likely Alien breeding and then survive of the fittest. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Face the facts. And youre absolutely right to reject any faith that is not based upon solid evidence even though technically, on another argument, which I wont get into at this time, you do but at least you said what was true here. You will not find it in the science bible since it is being written as you discover things which has been explained in the Bible thousands of years ago. There is a wonderful exhibit, for example, at the Aztalan State Park where one may see the skeleton of a Princess of Aztalan in the museum. I assume that the doubters are bible skeptics. Now the Smithsonian had to come out with the truth a month ago. Religion has suppressed the truth of man kind for hundreds of years to conform to there criteria. 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