How Long Will the In-Service Clearance Process Take? The Committee reserves the right to seek MEDs opinion when it deems such opinion is necessary for proper adjudication of the request, consistent with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and implementing regulations at 45 C.F.R. The employee and/or EFM should complete the separation exam within 90 days of retiring or separating from the Foreign Service. Please return to "Start Here" to click on the steps to a medical clearance that best fits your status and overseas assignment. 9. Getting reports from specialists, hospitals, therapist and schools is time consuming. Please print your email legibly. You can also download a PDF document with this information on the Resources page. .header-alert .icon.icon-close-thin.header-alert__close.js-header-alert-close{display:none;}. broward health medical center human resources phone number; steve watson obituary poplar bluff mo; new york state standard deduction 2022; Sign Up. In addition, MED encourages you to have your exam at your future medical providers office so that you can establish a medical relationship with your new provider. Candidates who hold dual citizenship, have had extensive travel, education, residence and/or employment overseas, or who have foreign contacts, a foreign-born spouse, immediate family members, or relatives who are not citizens of the United States, should be aware that the clearance process will take longer to complete. The name of the examinee (employee, contractor, LES or EFM) and DOB must also appear at the top of each page 2, 3, and 4. Current or history of ocular tumors. Examples include, but are not limited to, the need to spend time with otherwise healthy children; to assist their readjustment to new living circumstances; to complete an adoption; or to assist in the career or personal needs of a non-tandem spouse. 1 year after arrival at post for all individuals deploying to an ESCAPE post. Parts 160 and 164. A top-secret security clearance is the highest level granted to members of the military. Related Article Military Hearing Requirements and Disqualifications. The security clearance process involves a comprehensive background investigation, conducted by the U.S. Department of State in cooperation with other federal, state, and local agencies. To be hired for a job with the Foreign Service, you need to be cleared from a medical standpoint to be Worldwide Available, also known as a Class 1 Medical Clearance.0. Tips for Submitting Your Medical Clearance Application. state department medical clearance disqualifiers. There are often no blood banks or limited medical supplies and medications available locally. All I know is that FS has a pretty thorough medical clearance process. Tips for Your In-Service Medical Clearance Update. These are DOD medical standards. Do NOT submit to Medical Clearances. An additional sheet of paper may be used if more space is needed. A MED Clearances Nurse Consultant assigned to you will follow this process: Review the list of posts submitted by the CDO or agency HR. The assigned Clearance Consultant will follow the same procedure outlined for Foreign Service officers above. If you are TDY indicate if you are CONUS or overseas based, all possible ESCAPE posts you may travel to, and the estimated duration of your TDY stay. All optional tests are optional, unless clinically indicated, and not required for an ESCAPE post clearance. Each diagnosis must have a statement clarifying prognosis, stability, follow-up plan, and if that follow-up must be done by a specialist. Confidential security clearance refers to unauthorized disclosure that could cause damage to national security. Those individuals will remain in a pending status. fc-falcon">foreign service medical clearance disqualifiers. This includes national security secrets and other sensitive government information. We take the protection, release, and use of health information very seriously and follow strict privacy standards as stated in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 . Patients can arrange appointments on personal travel, during R&R, home leave or other government funded travel when services are not available at the post of assignment. Start collecting this information early. The purpose of this SOP is to establish procedures and criteria for considering requests for waivers of the requirement for overseas service, (1) after six years of continuous domestic assignments, and (2) after eight years of continuous domestic assignments. You should list any posts you may travel to. These include conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, heart issues, Asperger's, and PTSD. All foreign reports must be in English or translated into English. Post Specific (Class 2) Medical Clearance Process for ESCAPE Posts. The Foreign Affairs Information Technology (FAIT) Fellowship is not only a unique opportunity for highly qualified, diverse college students to receive academic funding, internships and mentorship from the U.S. Department of State it is also a path to your career in the Foreign Service. For the most part, the DOD wants to confirm that you were not dishonest when filling out your security clearance questionnaire. Each fellow, therefore, must meet rigorous medical standards in order to qualify for the required worldwide medical clearance. - All BOL status submissions must be reported as either "Suitable" or . Since youll be serving overseas as a Foreign Service Specialist after successfully completing the FAIT Fellowship program, youll need to be able to obtain and maintain a worldwide (Class One) medical clearance. Take charge! While a medical clearance is not required for TDY travel of less than 30 days, persons with health concerns should avoid travel to localities where medical care is inadequate to meet their needs even if that travel is only for a few days. Individuals with a Domestic Only (Class 5) clearance have a medical condition which is incapacitating or for which specialized medical care is best obtained in the United States. Or fax to 202-647-0292 (less preferred) For some individuals with on-going medical, mental health or educational issues adequate medical resources may not be available in all countries. Other agency employees, contractors or their family members may begin one year prior to their overseas assignment or training. Medical clearance determination by Medical Services is based on its thorough review of each fellows medical history and a physical examination, including an individual assessment of his/her specific medical needs and the medical capabilities of Foreign Service posts to meet those needs. The military treats mental health very seriously so making the military, in general, is an achievement, much less gaining security clearance. An FSO or Eligible Family Member (EFM) may start updating their medical clearance one year prior to departing from their current post or domestic assignment. Where to Perform a Pre-Employment or Pre-Assignment Medical Clearance Exam. 8. - NAVPERS 1300/16_Rev11-09, Report of Suitability for Overseas Assignment, is required for overseas screening submissions. Travel orders are not required to start the process. If a new post potentially arises, they should contact their Clearance Consultant for approval for that post. Ask . Failure to have all family members medical clearance in order may delay your travel orders. During the clearance process, you also need to complete a medical exam to assess your physical and mental health as it relates to essential job duties. Persons who are not an ESCAPE post at the time of their medical clearance renewal must complete the below documents: Employees and their EFMs of one of the 5 Foreign Service Agencies: Employees, LE Staff, Contractors, and EFMs who are non-Foreign Service Personnel: Submit all medical documentation to Medical Records. Complete a DS-1622: Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service for Children Age 11 and Younger form. CONUS based individuals who do TDY travel to ESCAPE posts for 30 or more consecutive days have a medical clearance valid for two years from the date of issuance. Provide a current phone number and valid mailing address that can be used even if you are between posts on home leave or personal travel. Conduct which clearly shows poor judgment and or lack of discretion which may reasonably affect an individual or the agencys ability to carry out its responsibilities or mission. Everyone is cleared to be in the United States. The time needed for security clearance determination processing varies depending on a number of factors. Medical reports do not need to be submitted with your initial medical clearance forms, be aware that Medical Clearances may require reports from providers, medical facilities or schools for anyone with significant past medical, mental health, or special educational needs. Confidential security clearance disqualifiers include careful examinations of the following: A periodic reinvestigation (PR) into your character and record is required every 15 years for confidential security clearance. is entered. The Office of Medical Services (MED) determines approval for assignment to a specific post based on the criteria above. DOD deployment requirements are generally stricter than DOS medical clearance guidelines. Secondly, the military needs to examine your immediate family members. The following conditions may disqualify you for military service: a. Overseas Screening. PURPOSE: The information solicited from this form will assist in making a medical clearance decision for individuals eligible to participate in the The Department of Defense uses the Defense Security Service (DSS) to conduct background checks for security clearance. Reason to Update a Medical Clearance While In-Service. The Committee reserves the right to seek MEDs opinion when it deems such opinion is necessary for proper adjudication of the request, consistent with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and implementing regulations at 45 C.F.R. Provide explanations in section IIA on page 2 or on a separate sheet of paper. You must sign a waiver granting the government the right to access any of your records, including medical records, juvenile records, expunged records, or sealed records. The examiner/provider should complete the physical exam and lab portion of the exam. a. This is an opportunity to establish or re-establish a professional relationship with your primary care provider. While an individual may have Worldwide Availability under DOS guidelines, that same individual may not be approved for an ESCAPE post under DOD deployment requirements. The military provides emergency medical support for the Department of State in Afghanistan, Libya, Peshawar, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Ensure the patients name and date of birth is at the top of each page of the exam form. Exam Clinic Option: Appointments for separation or retirement examinations are available at Department of State Exam Clinic. Submit your completed forms and other medical reports to Medical Records: Send via email to (preferred) For further questions or information, please contact or call 202-663-1519. ESCAPE posts comprise a subset of High-Threat, High Risk (HTHR) posts. However, for some individuals with on-going medical, mental health or educational issues adequate medical resources may not be available in all countries. Medical Clearances matches that individuals medical needs with posts capable of providing the specific medical or educational services they need. Mental incompetence determined by a mental health professional. The in-service clearance process is simplified using a DS-3057: Medical Clearance Update (MCU) form. Per 16 FAM 122. Its obvious that if you serve the United States and access sensitive information that you should have an allegiance to the country. There may also be infectious and communicable diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, typhoid, tuberculosis, rabies, encephalitis, and gastrointestinal diseases. The step-by-step process for completing a separation and/or becoming a REA/WAE is found by returning to Start Here and choosing Separation or REA/WAE. All prospective employees and their family members should understand that principle before pursuing a career in the Foreign Service. Privacy Policy. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. DOD Contractors must include a 3308: DOD ICASS Verification Form. The medical clearance process is designed to identify medical, mental health, or educational issues before departing for an overseas assignment. 2 years after an issuance of a medical clearance to all individuals who perform TDY travel of 30 or more consecutive days to an ESCAPE post. b. Post-Specific (Class 2): Issued to an individual with a medical condition that would pose a significant risk to the health or safety of the individual or others if the individual were assigned to work at one or more posts abroad. Confidential Medical Information. extending at an ESCAPE post, the MCU (plus, any individual who has had a new medical condition that may affect their medical clearance at the posting they are currently at or will be posted to. This includes those who retire/separate, move to another agency, divorce an FSO, or age out of the MED program at age 21 years. Foreign Service Officers Candidates, Foreign Service Fellows, and some first-time Limited Non-Career Appointees under the 5 Foreign Services Agencies must be able to serve at any post in the world for their first tour. As a result, stress levels among employees may be very high. Medical Clearance related medical expenses can be reimbursed by receiving a DS-3069 payment authorization form from your human resources and submitting your invoices and Explanation of Benefits to Medical Claims at Individuals assigned to any of these ESCAPE posts, including TDY travel of 30 or more consecutive days, must meet more rigid standards, and undergo further medical vetting than addressed in this document. 2 Do NOT submit bids to Medical Clearances. Tips for Your In-Service Medical Clearance Update. Include the Medical Records coversheet. ESCAPE posts comprise a subset of Special Incentive Posts (SIP). Provide a valid phone number and e-mail address good for 90 days when you submit the paperwork. Is there a list of conditions that would automatically disqualify you from service or a medical form that is openly available? Contacting your assignments officer in Human Resources for your agency. All personnel and their EFMs who have been issued a medical clearance in the past must update their clearance prior to departure for a new overseas assignment. The Department of Defense also obtains your criminal history records and credit record. A Post Specific (Class 2) Medical Clearance means you (or your EFM) have (or has) an on-going medical, mental health, or educational issue where the medical capabilities needed may not be available at every post in the world. Two aspects of the military determine your security level: A) your military job (MOS) and B) your assignment. Failure to have all family members medical clearances completed will delay the issuing of travel orders for individuals departing Washington DC. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Your CDO or Agency HR will notify you of posts you have been medically cleared for your next assignment. Please send inquiries only to this email address. Misrepresentation, including deception or fraud, in the application process. Related Article 20 Health Conditions That May Disqualify You From Military.