Cook got the buddy's telephone number and tried to call him. Las Vegas seems to like Hetrick. Haerry would come home on those days with cigar boxes full of the coins. In World War II, he fought at Guadalcanal, in the battle of the Coral Sea, at Okinawa and Iwo Jima. As the war with Japan intensified, the Navy was building new warships as fast as it could. Three years later, Ray Haerry Jr. holds the cross in his hand, fighting back tears. As he recounts the experience, he rubs his hands together, then holds them out, turning them over. The men helped one another, holding up anyone who weakened. "The stuff he likes.". He was able to visit the national cemetery at an area called the Punch Bowl. 12/28/2016. But John Anderson, the Navy chief petty officer who called himself Cactus Jack on the air, had a good head start already. Hetrick recovered. Handout . UPDATE:John Anderson diedin November 2015, less than a year after this report. sinastria di coppia karmica calcolo; quincy homeless shelter; plastic bags for cleaning oven racks; claudia procula death; farm jobs in vermont with housing Bruner looked each recruit in the eyes to determine the right job, but he wasn't testing their mettle, not yet. The Navy loaded 5,000 bunks on board, along with a row of portable latrines, and the Saratoga sailed to San Francisco, passing under the Golden Gate Bridge with toilet paper streamers and thousands of sailors who needed something to do. "Are you out of the Navy, Andy?" "We said we'd volunteer if they'd put two or three of us together on the same ship," he said. Before the year was out, Cook was sent to gunnery school in Washington, D.C., and to the South Boston Navy Yard, where he joined the new destroyer Pringle on its shakedown cruise. "It was a big ship with a lot of metal, I'll tell you." "They said he was a tough bastard, but that's exactly what they needed.". "It's hard to explain." Libby had arranged stays north of the city. Joe saved six lives and he didn't get crap. His mother had moved to Decatur, Ill., by then, so he followed and took a job at a hardware store. Discipline seems less important than it was in his day. What do great white sharks eat in Hawaii? Sailors jumped into fires to escape sinking vessels. Today, Lou and Valerie Conter live in a two-level house at the end of a winding road on a golf course in Grass Valley, a mountain town about 60 miles outside Sacramento. pearl harbor 1941. uss arizona. They generally prefer the shallows in temperate, tropical regions, which is usually where divers and surfers come into contact with them and potentially become the victims of shark trauma. As Cactus Jack, Anderson made a few concessions to his seagoing past. Some even like to dine on smaller shark species! Once a shark finds its prey, it needs to decide on whether to eat or not based on smell and appearance. Someone had stacked the boxes too high and in the humid environment of the island, the cardboard had grown damp and weak. For a while, the young family lived in Puerto Rico as Haerry, now a chief boatswain's mate, drew new assignments aboard his tender. "Mr. Langdell, Mr. Langdell, you've got to come here quick," he said. He had chased Japanese soldiers along the coast of China three years before America declared war on Japan. Bass. After an initial run-in with the guard at the gate ("Three weeks ago, I was shooting at people and killing them and I didn't even know who they were," he growled at the guard. "It didn't take me that long. The fellow he was talking with recognized Anderson's voice and they realized they had served together on the Yangtze Patrol before Pearl Harbor. Born in 1914, seven months after the first bolts were tightened on a new battleship in Brooklyn, Langdell grew up wooded agricultural area along the Souhegan River in southern New Hampshire. Then we had to go back.". He fought cold and hunger on a ship nearly dead in the ocean off Alaska. did sharks eat pearl harbor victims. He was in the studio on Valentine's Day 1955 when a nervous young man walked in. "It is only by the grace of God that I stand here today," he said. Deer and rabbits wander the hillside. His oldest son had joined the Navy and his first posting was aboard the USS Ouellet, a frigate. DES MOINES, Iowa - A World War II veteran thought to be the oldest survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack died last month at 103. The ship remained anchored outside Pearl Harbor for most of a month as U.S. commanders planned their next move against the Japanese in the South Pacific. The clerks decided they could not send Stratton away without his permit. "The Navy Department deeply regrets to inform you that your son Louis Anthony Counter quartermaster third class US Navy is missing following action in the performance of his duty.". . Hetrick turns a rusted chunk of metal over in his hands, running his fingers along the curves and edges. 4 Comments. He eases the truck out of the carport, far enough to show it off. When the fourth bomb detonated in the powder magazine, anyone left was blown over the side. The Navy began assigning sailors to new postings. Bruner, who turned 94 in November, is now one of nine living USS Arizona crewmen who survived the ship's sinking. The ship accompanied General Douglas MacArthur to the Philippines and was anchored in the harbor off Nagasaki, Japan, when the second atomic bomb exploded. At Kulangsu, an international settlement on an island off the southern Chinese coast, Anderson's unit ran into the French Foreign Legion, who had been cornered by Japanese soldiers on a high ridge. They met at a dance at the YWCA on North State Street. He built a reputation as a guy who could bring in the harvest on time. He keeps it with him when he travels. To prepare for the trip, they were studying World War II history, attending lectures, writing research papers. His ships steamed across the Pacific, through the Panama Canal to Africa. As he prepared to jump off the burning ship, he took the shoes off and set them on the quarterdeck. "I never talked about it much then," he says. I think that's what kept me living to this day.". After so many years of travel, the Cooks have settled into a more tranquil pace. He was active in those groups for many years, serving as president of one devoted to the Arizona. His new employer manufactured industrial refrigeration units. The steeple clock chimed and a statue of an angel wielding a sword emerged from an alcove and knocked Anderson off the steeple. Stratton's eyes brighten. His younger son believes the experience changed his dad forever. The tender didn't want to be tied to the larger ship when the worst of the storm blew through. "We would go in with a landing party or we furnished artillery for the landing force. Large species also consume marine mammals such as dolphins, seals, sea lions, and porpoises, as well as large fish species such as tuna, mackerel, and even smaller shark species. That was enough to rattle nerves on board the ship, which was at general quarters every day an hour before sundown and an hour before sunrise. The Coghlan supported Army landings and Navy bombing runs. At dawn on December 7, 1941, more than half of the United States Pacific Fleet, approximately 150 vessels and service craft, lay at anchor or alongside piers in Pearl Harbor. The easy stories he'd tell. "No one knew where the hell I was," Bruner says. He keeps a folder of newspaper clippings, magazine stories and copies of a telegram. "There's the battleships there's the Nevada, the Arizona, the Tennessee, the West Virginia, Maryland, the Oklahoma. A total of 2,403 Americans died in the tragic attack 80 years ago and for many families there was never closure as bodies remained unidentified or left amongst the wreckage. A few days later, the drove through the crumbling streets of Hiroshima. "Lots of big band songs," Randy says, as the first bars of a brass line pour from the speakers. We got into a run-and-gun battle. Conter fought on through World War II, scraped past a lot of close calls, then went to Korea. on the Arizonawhen the battleship sankon Dec. 7. the final survivor to be interred in the ship. "He's there for me. "I knew everything that was going on.". His kids and grandkids. They still had to climb onto the dock and then into a truck for a short ride to a Navy hospital. He made bargemaster on a huge drilling rig, but yearned for something more interesting, so he got a job as a tender with a commercial deep sea diving business. He was 20 when he escaped the burning wreckage ofthe USS Arizonain Pearl Harbor. Still traveling at 17 knots, the Indianapolis began taking on massive amounts of water; the ship sank in just 12 minutes. The strike climaxed a decade of worsening relations between the United States and Japan. "It's one of the best actual memorials I've seen," he says. "Why do you like the hat, dad?" He took up golf seriously in Palm Springs and played in the Bob Hope Classic six times, once on a team with crooner Johnny Mathis. . He worked his way up to crew chief on a squadron of B-26 bombers, After 18 months overseas, he returned to Langley Field in Virginia. Mess hall duty. He called back a few days later. Maybe next time. Cook never got a chance to catch up with his buddy, but marveled at the connections he seemed to make from his short stint aboard the Arizona. He missed enough of his classes that he was finally asked to leave. When he left Morris the first time in 1939 after high school, Cook wasn't sure where he'd end up. The inscription reads "Spirit of Aloha Award, Timpview High School Marching Band.". They moved to Santa Maria, not far from Santa Barbara, to be near their oldest son, then to Colorado Springs to be near Randy. But the war was over. "The kids coming up now have never heard of it," he says, his voice tinged with sadness and dismay. "The Arizona was a fighting battleship," Joe says. As a youngster, Anderson heard stories about the Navy from his uncle, a man named Ray Stokes. They were trying to replenish submarines or send smaller ships in. If the shark feels like a dead fish isn't worth its time, it will leave without wasting more energy. The Macdonough pulled picket patrol often, protecting other troops and guarding against kamikaze attacks by Japanese planes. And he was allowed to visit a part of the Arizona few people ever see. He visited the memorial and was relieved to see the builders got it right. You can't leave the Navy.". They were having trouble reading his prints, she told Stratton. Salvage work would begin soon on others. Sharks hunt fish by using sensory receptors located on their sides. McBride reached the last man, Raymond Haerry, a 20-year-old coxswain on the day of the assault. The United States was a neutral country at the time; the attack led to its formal entry into World War II the next day. He could see the planes were flying too low for his guns anyway, but before his crew could figure out their next move, an armor-piercing bomb detonated near the powder magazine beneath the No. One of the men started yelling. She tracked him to the Los Angeles area, then started a phone search. There are over 470 species of sharks throughout the world. He wrote a training manual whose precepts the Navy still follows. They will celebrate 65 years of marriage in April. One day, a young fellow knocked on his door. Haerry held the rope that connected the ships as another crewman swung an ax to cut it. Japan wanted the northern Pacific to control its shipping routes and block U.S. attacks from that direction. "I canned 500 quarts of fruit one year," Marietta says. "Talk about treating you like royalty," he says. As a tender, he stayed on the surface, monitoring the divers working on rigs, piers, pipelines, any piece of seaside or seagoing equipment. He still remembers the day he saw the Arizona in dry dock at Bremerton, Wash. "It was quite a sight for an old flatlander like me to see a 35,000-ton battleship out of the water," he says. "I didn't have any speaking parts, but I was working for the studio and they paid me.". It was one of the biggest rescues in World War II, but no one knew about it because everything was top secret in those days.". Once a month or so, Clarendon Hetrick's phone rings with a call from Utah. Three years ago, Ray Jr. received a call from a lieutenant colonel in the Rhode Island National Guard. He waited for the result. I had to take them to the parties and sit there until it was over.". The cities were in ruins. By the end of the day, had persuaded Anderson to sign up for the Navy Reserve. Anderson picked up and moved to New Mexico. It is dated Dec. 21, 1941. On the same bookshelf sit mementos from his time on the Arizona. For a lot of people, meeting Elvis and playing one of his first records on the air might sound like one of life's truly unforgettable days. As the 50thanniversary of the attack neared, Langdell got a call from a documentary filmmaker. The things I don't want to remember was the blood.". Except the cap. "I came back to the pier one morning and my name was on the list to do KP work," he says. He stopped in the small town of Payson, Utah. "So that's what we did," he says, staring out at the harbor nearly seven decades later. "It just didn't appeal to me to bring it up," he says. "He'd always have to be prompted.". "They paid everybody in two dollar bills back then. At dawn on December 7, 1941, more than half of the United States Pacific Fleet, approximately 150 vessels and service craft, lay at anchor or alongside piers in Pearl Harbor. "They played country music because the people here loved that," Anderson says. The Hirasaki family suffered some of the worst losses that terrible morning. 3 gun turret. Sharks in turn were revered because they . One day, he stopped for coffee at the Brown Derby restaurant in Hollywood. Back on land, Cook followed welding jobs from Kentucky and Pennsylvania to New Jersey and Long Island, west to North Dakota and Wisconsin and finally to a ranch house in Salinas, Calif., where he raised a family and stayed put for almost 30 years. Pearl Harbor: Directed by Michael Bay. Jobs were few, so he set off for Warner, Okla, with the idea of playing football at Connors State Agricultural College. "We don't think you'd make it. "It never gets easy to go back," he says. He stayed on the 17thfloor of a hotel on Waikiki Beach. Hetrick was still just 21 by then, but a seasoned sailor who shared little in common with the 17-year-old kid who left high school and joined the Navy on his parents' signature.