. Being around Fire makes you feel alive and connected with the Fire God, Agni. Therefore, your purpose in life is to create stability within your home. Have you noticed, the people with Mars AK face anger and violence in their whole life, whereas Saturn AK person gets pain in his whole life. You really have deep knowledge of astrology. Note the degrees; the planet with the lowest degree is your Darakaraka. You have the intelligence to outwit opponents and outthink your way out of obstacles. Because you are so learned, you may come off as a know-it-all to others. Panchayudha Stotram Telugu | Free PDF Download. You feel good when your relationship is going well: however, if your relationship falls on difficult times this can affect your mental peace. Therefore, you have a natural talent for editing and proofreading. Nevertheless, part of your personality you keep private and hidden from the world, only those close to you can truly know who you are. So Amatyakaraka mars relatively try to carry that power in Profession and Careers like Engineering, Police, Military, Surgeon, Investigator and so on in other security forces. in addition, Jupiter blesses you with additional resources, earnings, and financial gains. Nevertheless, you can lose your ego or identity when you are in personal relationships. You enjoy engaging in hobbies and your mind is focused on putting effort into things you love. However, if the Moon is debilitated in the 8th house, which is the original House of Scorpio, your mind can often go to dark places and your emotions can fluctuate. Karakas are a distinct feature in Jaimini astrology. You exert energy and take the action needed to learn ancient texts, scriptures, verses, tantra, mantra, and spiritual interests. you need your own home to feel secure in life. To make a D10 map, simply divide any sign into ten equal parts. If you are a female, you enjoy decorating your eyes with. If the Moon is in good dignity, you will experience mostly the highs; however, if Moon is debilitated, combusted, or in an enemy sign you are prone to fluctuations in emotions. Your father is very strict, disciplined, responsible, and has a cold and serious nature: however, there can be an estranged relationship when it comes to the relationship with your father. A government position is the type of job you easily attract. You can also be blessed with a big home of your own. Atmakaraka in Bharani Nakshatra means you have the power to impregnate your subconscious minds to manifest your soul desires. You can often drown yourself in your work because Saturn in the 6th house makes you a workaholic. With Atmakaraka Venus in the 1st house, you feel a sense of connection when you are around other people. Atmakaraka Sun in 9th House means you feel inspired and have a sense of purpose when you are performing good deeds, practicing faith, being involved in religion, or spirituality. You have an interest in politics and can have a career working for the government. This is because the moon is constantly waxing and waning and so do your feelings. Growing up your home environment was a pleasant place to live full of comforts, joy, balance, and social. So, Sun is her Atmakaraka and is used to understanding her purpose in life. Atmakaraka Saturn in 2nd house means your finances will be suppressed until Saturn matures or return to its natal position in your birth chart. Mercury as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Horoscope. In addition, you are passionate about overseas travel, and you can have a permanent residence in another country. It gives success in physical and speed-oriented sports like racing, wrestling, cricket, football, rugby, etc. Atmakaraka Saturn in 1st house means you must learn to be patient with yourself and fulfilling your soul purpose, Saturn is debilitated in the 1st house which is the original house of Aries; Consequently, Aries is a leader and Saturn likes to serve. You are highly ambitious and put in the effort to manifest your goals. You have a way with words that conveys your intelligence. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). To balance this energy, you must learn to control your over-aggression when it comes to your spouse (husband or wife) and business relationships. The 5th house is known as the house of fun and entertainment; you feel emotionally balanced when you are in a divine moment of fun and enjoyment. Sun is the significator of the father; therefore, the father is a big influence in your life. It is your purpose in life to deal with the mundane world but from an intellectual perspective. Cheating - Rahu. On the other hand, you have a very logical and calculative mind and are good when it comes to mathematic, statistics, numbers, and data. Atmakaraka in Magha Nakshatra means you are authoritative, powerful, and a natural ruler. Your purpose in life is to express yourself through the 9th house. First House . If Sun is not afflicted, your eldest sibling follows your lead. You have a lot of influential and powerful people in your network circle who will help you with your soul purpose and destiny. Sun is the general atmakaraka for all, but the planet with highest degree in your natal chart is considered as your personal Atmakaraka. Nevertheless, you can be pessimistic at times and see the glass half full. Atmakaraka Venus in 11th house means your support system (friends, elder siblings, social network, and organizations) helps you fulfill your purpose in life. 'Amatya' means someone close to you, who is very important. This is especially true if the second lord of food is connected with Moola Nakshatra. Optional: Modern/Traditional method. this is because Jupiter blesses you with knowledge of the law to deal with disputes. This is because Venus is debilitated in the 6th house which causes an imbalance to the harmonic energy of Venus. On the other hand, Shatabhisha is known as the nakshatra of skywatchers. The planet Mars is exalted in the 10th house which is the original House of Capricorn. Atmakaraka in Vishakha Nakshatra means you do whatever is necessary to accomplish your goals, dreams, and objectives. Atmakaraka Venus in 1st house means you are charming, artistic, creative, social, and enjoy being in relationships. Your soul purpose is to take the leadership role to make things happen in your life by putting in the time, effort, energy, and work. Being in a peaceful environment helps you balance your emotions. So amatyakaraka Jupiter can point out the Profession associated with Teaching, Professors, Scholars, Priests, Religious leaders and so on. However, because Saturn suppresses the 4th house it could take time for you to purchase your own property. On the other hand, Saturn represents structure, stability, Security and the 4th house is the home. Nevertheless, if you do decide to pursue an education you can obtain a masters degree or Ph.D., or any advanced degree; higher education intrigues your interest. This is why vision boards can help you attract the things you desire in life. Numerology Calculator You feel confident, powerful, and authoritative being in the safety of your home environment. Since the planet Mars is the lord of Chitra you are very active, enthusiastic, energetic, and dynamic. Atmakaraka Mercury in 9th House means you enjoy researching and collecting information on both mundane and spiritual laws. Atmakaraka Mercury means you are intelligent, communicative, skillful, humorous, youthful, flexible, and a traveler. This is because Saturn represents hard work at the sixth house your daily work routine. dark-colored mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner because this embellishes the natural seductiveness in your eyes. . They play a specific role in the horoscope based on their degrees. When you speak you have a very pleasant and sweet tone to your voice. Natural atmakaraka is sun but according to jaimini system of astrology chara atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree shows your life purpose You give your service to places of isolation, confinement, and foreign entities. You put your heart and soul in religion, spirituality, or a belief system because your soul is guiding you to this practice. Your Atmakaraka (Amk) planet can be anyone of 7 chara karakas (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). Because of this, you are very lucky in life because you create good karma. Your Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in your birth chart; the root word Atma translates into Soul and karaka means significator, so Atmakaraka is the significator of your Soul. You are very nurturing, caring, and have natural maternal instincts, you love taking care of things especially the people in your life. Atmakaraka Saturn in 8th House means you have the potential to live a long life since Saturn suppresses the aging process. NKB Services - All rights reserved. Amatya means one whos Very near to the King(means aatmakaraka in (Jaimini astrology) and whose recommendation king seeks. You have very beautiful children, and your first child can be a daughter since Venus its a feminine planet. Your profession and career are very dear to you. You cant sit still for a long period because you must be constantly moving or taking some type of action. You are very beautiful and have a magnetism that draws other people to you. You are mentally intrigued when investigating the laws of man and the divine law of the universe. You are a natural charmer who can hypnotize people with just one gaze. You enjoy quality time alone and self-imposed confinement. When Moon Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope:-Amatyakaraka Moon Will give Profession related to psychological work, Philosopher, blogger, novel writer, film writer, journalist, Spiritual Person, orator, Business in Liquid elements and so on. The D9 can be studied as a chart with the Karakamsha as a Lagna. Atmakaraka Moon in 12th House means you are a very private person and enjoy time alone. However, since Anuradha Nakshatra, is partially in Scorpio, you have a very secretive nature. Your support network can be very caring and nurturing and help you with your life purpose. In the example below, Venus (Ven) is the planet with the lowest degree and therefore, is the Darakaraka (DK). The Atmakaraka Planet can be any Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, or Rahu in the native's kundali. Different planets as amatyakaraka result in various different career life.. ones affinity and skill towards a particular profession is determined by amatyakaraka planet. The 6th house is the house of debates and mercury relates to intelligence; therefore, you win arguments with your intellect; Consequently, you win overall competitors with your words and knowledge; this is how you gain victory in life and achieve your goals. Many eminent personalities in spiritualism Sri Prabhupad, Aurbindo Ghosh, Sai baba and so on do have Amatyakaraka Moon in their chart. Atmakaraka Saturn in 9th house means your luck can be starved; that is to say, that you must put in hard work and achieve your goals instead of relying on luck to get you ahead in life. How is Your Atmakaraka Used? You do not like to be in the spotlight unless other planetary alignments show otherwise. You may work for a foreign company or with foreign people in your homeland. Atmakaraka Sun in 2nd House means your early childhood highly Influenced your personal development. You put energy, determination, motivation, and ambition when it comes to realizing your wildest hopes and dreams. When you are feeling unbalanced, a peaceful and serene environment balances your emotional aura. You shoot for the target and get what you want in life; because of this, you are very motivated when it comes to your dreams and desires. Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, wisdom, and religion. Mars is about action and Capricorn is about performing actions in society (the outside world). Thus the Benefic auspicious friendly relation or aspect between AK (aatmakaraka) and AMK (amatyakaraka) has been considered as Raj yoga of the highest order. Important to check the position of planets for deciding whether a person should move towards a government job. The third house relates to success through your own efforts and Saturn his hard work; therefore you can succeed in your dreams and goals with a lot of hard work even though it may feel like an uphill battle. Interestingly, there are ways. Because you are kind to others the Brihaspati (Jupiter) blesses you with prosperity and abundance. Sun, Moon and Rahu are in the 10th; Jupiter is in the 2nd house. With Sun in the 9th house, your father is very authoritative and a natural-born leader. You have very pretty handwriting, and you are very poetic with your words therefore you have a natural talent for calligraphy, romantic writing, or you could be a blog writer in which you write about love and romance. Rahu always moves backward and therefore Rahu's degrees are calculated backward as well. If this karak is well placed and in strength, then the person will achieve success surely in life but you also need the support of Aatmakarak planet. You must put in the time, patients, hard work, and discipline to be successful in your chosen career. You can learn more about this important astrological factor from my article Atmakaraka, the Ruler of the Soul The result of Atmakaraka calculation will depend on which Ayanamsa (or the difference between tropical and sidereal zodiacs) is used. Atmakaraka Mercury in 8th house means you enjoy researching and investigating subjects related to the occult and mysticism. You need people in your life to feel balanced; therefore, building relationships its part of who you are. The easiest method of identifying the Atmakaraka planet is to find the Degree of each planet [longitude] in a particular sign which can obtained from any free birth chart calculator from the Net. You are passionate about understanding the operations of the hidden world; therefore, you enjoy researching any mystical subject you can get your hands on. Therefore, you have the characteristics of Indra, powerful and authoritative, and the characteristics of Agni (fire God) which gives you an unquenchable thirst for life. This is because of Mars aspects the 3rd house of writing and communication. We do not consider rahu and Ketu degrees in calculating atmakaraka. In your Bharani Nakshatra Mahadasha you experience many changes and transformations. Things associated to the Amatya Karaka planet, its position, and its rulership of houses will suggest what measures a person should take in order to accomplish his goal, Aatma Karaka. It includes the Atmakaraka (Self-Producer planet), the Darakaraka (Spouse-Producer planet), and the planets that produce everyone else in your life too. Your purpose in life is to seek spirituality and enlightenment; you achieved this by being in isolation in which you can pray, meditate, chant, or practice your spiritual beliefs. As a result, you can be an athlete, bodybuilder, physical therapist, police officer, or perform any type of physically intensive job. Your mind is focused on your physical body; therefore, you enjoy taking care of yourself like working out, eating healthy, and having a well-balanced emotional and mental disposition. Atmakaraka Sun in 7th House means your power can be lost. Planets are assigned a karaka name from the highest to the lowest (7th) degree. That is to say, you can spend a lot of time alone and go deep in your thoughts in which you contemplate life. You enjoy beautifying your home with home dcor, artwork, beautiful colors, craftwork, sculpture, and colorful paintings. Some of the greatest examples of famous people with Moon as their amatyakaraka planet include Sai Baba, Swami Vivekananda, and Aurobindo Ghosh. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Your own Kingdom could be a business prospect or owning property. Since Brihaspati (Jupiter) is the ruling deity of Pushya Nakshatra, you are a natural teacher. You enjoy socializing and spending time with your friends. you are a very magnetic person and people are attracted to your energetic aura. Its a long journey to the destination. Karakas[ edit] The planet Saturn is cold and dry; therefore, you can come off as having a cold personality. So Good Marketing strategists have ideal auspicious benefic Mercury in strength with affliction or combustion. Because of this, you have a very inventive mind, however, once you start implementing your ideas, they could take time to manifest. On the other hand, your work involves nurturing, taking care of others, or your career is related to the home.