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in the middle of the road opening a valve at the bottom of a manhole. "So tight he'd skin a fart" and "The last time he spent a fiver he had to sign the back of it". Preferably Yorkshire tea. Jeweller: "Do you want it 18 carat?" Scottish jokes Short English jokes chewing. One old British saying goes that "a Yorkshireman is a Scotsman with all the generosity squeezed out of him", while a county motto is said to be: "I feel like an 'os" ses I
A couple are playing 'I spy' in the kitchen of their home somewhere in Yorkshire. "I'd like one 'o them theer rings". 'The f***** 'e' missing! fighting in a far-off foreign land, and the leader of the captors said, He calls the mason, explains what he wants, then goes to see the stone a few days later. Where's the 'e'? I have a very secure job. ', There's a fully stocked bar, so each of the men orders a martini. "Wedding, tha nos", he said, chewing constantly. ul gi tha Bob a bob on't nose. She had been built by Earles Shipbuilding & Engineering Company Limited, on the Humber. A: Four. Said 'Seeing as tha knocked it out of my hand, P'rhaps tha'll pick t' thing up instead. To which the man replies "Piss off, you Spanish prat!"". // -->. After much deliberation the inscription "God, she is thine"
So, as we The New Media Company are based in the lovely area of Yorkshire. ", There was a school hall full of Yorkshire women all being given an exercise lesson by Jane Fonda. Choir. Ah goes first, cos were on my land, said Sammy. Ingrish Jokes A 'Tyke' struggling home at night, obviously after having had a reet kneckful,
Only in Englandcan a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance. alus do it for thisen. Always remember the Yorkshireman's Motto: 'Ear all, see all, say nowt. jokes by CCP President Xi for approval, as is his daily custom. Think of it as the northern equivalent of Oh my goodness. Once on his feet hed spaht for hours: at schooil speech days, at civic dinners, at Rahnd Table dos an the like. 1.6 An Englishman, Welshman and Irishman. On my desk is a tea mug inscribed with a traditional Yorkshiremans Advice To His Son.It reads: Hear all, see all, say nowt. the buzzer was for. // -->