Trademarked items show this is a cult of exclusivity, real sacramentals are not trademarked if they are meant for the universal church, unless the visionaries are purposely doing this to rake in money, and the visions do ask for money. mail_str = "mailto:?subject=I've found a very helpful Catholic web site:" I would simply suggest caution, without suggesting by Many of the messages contain dire warning and the most recent conversation she claimed she had with Jesus was at the end of July, where she claimed he warned recent weather events were caused by sin and will intensify. (*) The 'PROPHECY OF ORVAL' (1544) -- 19th century hoax written in the style of Nostradamus by a priest who eventually confessed to what he did when he saw the joke get out of hand. Tholophre (Theolophis /Theophilis) (16th century), !? HOW I DISCERN WHAT TO INCLUDE HERE: the He spoke at length about the Holy Father and his positive statements concerning Medjugorje and that the Vatican has them under investigation under the direction of Cardinal Ratzinger. } Heaven does not give contradictory information about natural remedies. Please help support this site, click here to find out how. You think if only we could say the right thing to make her see. (*) REVELATIONS OF ANGEL NAMES NOT IN THE BIBLE / NAMING YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL, etc. According to her website, this is how Christina is interpreting Our Ladys messages: What Our Lady is asking us to do is to turn back to God while there is still time, sincerely repent of our sins and go to Confession; to pray constantly, and to pray from the heart, especially the Rosary; to love God in the Mass and in the Eucharist; and to be united and to love one another and to stop finding fault and bickering and fighting with each other. This home was also filmed, along with a conversation with the husband. Not credible. CM writes: "Do you have any information on Christina Gallagher from Ireland?" The latest information we have is that the Irish seer, who claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary since 1988, has no Church approval and her work "does not enjoy the confidence of diocesan authorities." against it. Read carefully about it, and you may discover, as we have, that there is something not quite right about him. He said a bishop in the Indian Ocean would set the record straight. Naturally, he never mentioned this to me and the channeler makes a cut - d. 1843), !? people go there. As well as the House of Prayer on Achill the group has houses in the US and, at one stage, told followers that a part of Texas, where they set up one of the houses, would be destroyed unless a certain amount of donations were given to the House of Prayer. navC.className = tCHandle; Terry Quinn Not an authentic prophet. they do charge for herbs, and at Euro prices in Brazil it adds up to a Father Escorted then into a small waiting room were he began to speak at length about Vassula, Christina, Bishop Hnilica, Theresa Lopez, Father Gerald McGinnity, Cardinal Ratzinger, and the Holy Father. So, Christina Gallagher was resisting the instructions of her local Archbishop that were based on Canon law on how the House of Prayer should be operated: " The model of existence and operation which I had hoped Mrs. Gallagher would adopt for her work was that of the Private Association of the Christian Faithful, the most basic and flexible model of association presently available in Canon Law." I say this in the video, but I do not believe this applies directly to every person in the Catholic Church. This was part of a plot in a fictional novel published in 2001, which people are now spreading as a real 'lost prophecy' of St. Malachy. Close to a million tourists have poured through the door of this house of prayer. So, be careful! Christina Gallagher, in her own words, was an "ordinary housewife" until the mid-1980s, when she says she had a vision of Our Lord. The Archbishops secretary, Father Brendan Kiilcoyne, said that the Archbishop was trying to bring the house of prayer closer to the structures of the Church. location.href = mail_str; Angel Names not in Scripture / Naming Your Guardian Angel, !? Is Christina Gallagher approved by the Catholic Church? 'OUR LADY OF ANGUERA' BRAZIL (1987 to present day)--no official position from the Church yet, but obvious strange contradictions in the messages, something is 'off'. Refused to obey the chain of authority in the Church regarding apparition investigations and tried to go over the bishop's head, which is a red flag for the Church that a vision is fake. One of their most outrageous claims is that he has channeled our Lord Jesus Christ in this endeavor. Bl. (*) TIMING and the REIGN of the ANTICHRIST. (*) BL. He said that he supported them both as well as Theresa Lopez because they all had messages that corresponded to Medjugorje and all were the fulfillment of Fatima. THOLOPHRE (THEOLOPHIS / THEOPHILUS / (16th Century) - Misattributed. tLHandle += "_Hover"; St. Padre Pio himself said he never made this prophecy, and said to put his name to it is a forgery. This is what I found. are also cases of text and letter hoaxes, forgeries, or texts that don't apply to the future Great Monarch, etc - these can be spotted through simple mystics, theologians, Doctors of the Church. Diocese of Mostar-Duvno Trebinje-Mrkan News, Medjugorje bombshell: ex-pastor Tomislav Vlasic laicized, dismissed from Franciscan order. She claims to have predicted the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center, 14. I have been to Charismatic healing services and, although That's enough for us. and Confused, Contemplating becoming a Catholic or Coming home, No They gush about the energy, etc. My husband and I have moved a lot with his job so we are constantly fake prophecy published in a Spanish horoscope mass market chapbook. Heretically mixes up the Age of Peace with the New Heaven and the New Earth, also defies logic regarding the nature of time, and the Three Days of Darkness. There is much going on behind the scenes at this A true mystic of God will not encourage anyone to go against the teachings of the Church, so when a fake mystic tries to reveal unknown angel names, or gets you to try and name your angel, etc -- they are fake. The Archbishop has recognised his approval was null and void and made a statement in May 2016 declaring his former approval null and void and has disbanded any further investigation into the apparitions. The Catechism The new Catechism at. Damage was done. It's all this end of the world stuff coming up again where if you buy a picture for 250 it will give you protection. Some followers of the House of Prayer have told family members they will not get the vaccine because they believe if they do, they will "receive the mark of the beast" and go to hell. You recommended reading something in a separate e-mail from the CatholicPlanet web site but I would recommend staying away from that website, one person to stay home. He said that Lopez visited him and he knew for certain that she was authentic. Gallagher's website describes "the chip" as "the mark of the beast" which will lead to "a godless society of suppression and dictatorial control.". according to the prophecies of Ven. I have no doubt that the demonic can make anyone look like a saintly person. tLHandle += "_Hover"; tCHandle += "_Hover"; "My mother is a clever woman. (*) COUNTDOWN to the KINGDOM WEBSITE: Problematic website: while the webmasters promote some authentic mystics on this site, they also promote several of the suspicious or condemned mystics named above, even when they know one of them has been recently condemned by the Church - the site also presents an erroneous timeline of end time events from the fake mystics that contradicts the teachings of St. Paul regarding the Antichrist, and it shows indications towards a heretical Millenarian slant. This is where I get truly spiritually a business opportunity and feign belief. (*) ST. PADRE PIO - 'THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS' PROPHECY / LETTER (1950) -also "12 MESSAGES FROM JESUS" ---Forgery. Vassula Ryden was condemned by the Vatican and banned from speaking in Catholic Churches worldwide. Any approved Charismatic Christina is an astounding woman, rejected of course by other women, by the Irish and by priests. Also, seems to distract from the rosary, the promises say you can ONLY use this specific set of beads to get the promises for the unborn, but what about the traditional ROSARY itself, not to mention indulgened beads that have touched relics, etc? Private devotion to Our Lady under the title of 'Our Lady of America' still permitted, but the visions themselves are not approved. In 2011, several members of the board of the House of Prayer abruptly resigned but were prevented from disclosing the reason why by a confidentiality agreement. died c. 1366-1370 AD) - the monk Johannes Rupecisa, one of the first medieval monks to promote the heretical literal interpretation of the 1000 year reign mentioned in the Apocalypse. "Nests of foreigners" will lead to the outbreak of war in the United States, according to the controversial alleged visionary Christina Gallagher. last year with an overview of her problems: Chris and Elle, foremost rule when weeding out the fakes is 1) if they have they Now Gallagher was, for some time, claiming that anyone who visited the House of Prayer in Ireland, prior to July of 2001, received the gift of the Seal of the Living God (from Revelation 7) and would therefore be protected by God from various future calamities and afflictions. So called miracles therefore are obviously fake and are either of human or preternatural origin. [1] The business is based on Achill Island, County Mayo in Ireland, with other centres in the United States. heresy, disobedience, and sexual misconduct within the context "Luz de Maria" de Bonilla, Argentina (c.1990 to present day), !? Ministry around the visions an ecumenical money-making racket that refuses to submit to the local bishop. (*) APPARITIONS of MEDJUGORJE, former Yugoslavia (1981 to present day): (*) 'CARDINAL SIRI THESIS - 'POPE IN RED' THEORY (Late 1980s to present day): (*) The 'TWO PATRICKS' - 'INVITATION to LOVE JESUS MESSAGES' (1986 to present day): (*) PEDRO REGIS,. (*) UNIVERSIAL "ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE" EVENT, (*) ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO (354-430 AD) -, (*) HEPIDANUS of ST. GALLEN (c.1010 / 1034 - c. 1072 /1088 AD) -, (*) ST. ANSELM of CANTERBURY (1033- 1109 AD), (*) ST. MALACHY and the 'BLACK POPE' or 'CAPUT NIGRUM' PROPHECY' (c. 1094-1148), (*) 'BISHOP CHRISTIANOS of AGEDA' (AGREDA) - (1172-1204 AD), (*) ST. ANGELUS (ANGEL) OF JERUSALEM (1185- c. 1222 ? Gallagher, who founded the House of Prayer on Achill Island, Co Mayo, has persuaded her followers to voluntarily hand over millions of euro since opening the doors to her centre in 1993, as she. Joao Teixeira de Faria sounds like any number of (*) !? legendary witch in England with no proof she ever existed. [This mansion was filmed for Network 5s next film.] Ida Peerdeman / THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS (1945 -1959), !? Statement Regarding the Work of Mrs. Christina Gallagher at the House of Prayer at Achill, Most Rev. Gets doctrinal teaching about the resurrection of the dead wrong. Phillip J. Kronzer flew to Ireland to meet with Network 5 International. She continues to run her prayer houses without Church authority or approval. and Marriage situations. This proof is overwhelming and will be added to the third film. She can only pray and plead with God and Our Lady and then accept all results in the holy Will of God. "This has always been the dilemma my family and I have faced. On Sunday November 3rd the Sunday World resumed their scurrilous and defamatory attacks on Christina Gallagher with their so-called 'exclusive'. According to Gallagher, Jesus himself recently encouraged people to buy the picture for protection. Too late. Others, I'm convinced, shrewdly recognize group leaders in other words, this is how they make their living. There is an element of credibility to his 'Birch Tree Prophecies', this was just misattributed. would do better to stay at home and go to Church. ST. HILARION THE GREAT OF CZENSTOCHAU / (291-371 AD) & 'MONK HILARION' (d. 1476): evidence it is a pseudo-prophecy originally attributed to Bl.
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