Betta Arf/= traditionally, the wife/missus/female significant other. Stoked = really happy that that happed or really pumped Over 125 Australian Slang Terms & Phrases | Guide to Aussie Slang Come over here for a minute. Thats as Aussie as a meat pie! These are far more common: Shell be right, Shes sweet, Sweet mate . Australian slang comes from a mixture of migrants or convicts that cam came from Irland Scotland England also mixed American sayings. People do say Facey I have heard it and use it, If you are getting a demi to eat what is it, Snakes Hiss = a piss (be right back gotta take a snakes hiss), Jeez u bloody mongrels complaining like sheilas.have a coldie and relax .fair dinkum i reckon its bloody oath, Mate. heavy or full bag Bingle too right footy Yobbo Barbie If youre waggin school youre playing truant or hooky. A sleepout is a popular feature of Australian architecture, its a verandah which has been converted into a bedroomuseful in the heat! She was gobsmacked to discover that the strange noise downstairs was an alien fossicking through her fridge!. Bad: Very good, excellent; cool, awesome. Or someone is stirring trouble and hurling insults Ralph - in college culture, "ralphing" meant vomiting. Those can be added too if they are Aussi slang. Why are you having a go at me all I did was blow up a mailbox and just in case i got one wrong hahahahaha D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F I have often heard and used, howyagoin. Hey just a couple more to add to your list you have some rippers on there The bloody mongrel bit me!, You might refer to a person as a mongrel, but the meaning depends on the context. At other times theyll just add a different vowel instead of the o. Another one is port meaning suitcase or school bag used in QLD and northern NSW shortened from the French word portmanteau which also the word porter comes from. This Australian slang word is the term for kindergarten Down Under! These words are used to talk about kissing passionately. Example: Jessica is such an airhead. Australian slang from the past - ABC Education Hey. Or being locked out of the house by the wife after too many hours in a pub. grouse Its none of your bizzo what I was doing at midnight in the graveyard.. This unique Australian term is used to talk about successful people. In New South Wales, they are usually referred to as scallops or potato scallops, however the term potato cakes is used across the southern states of Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia and known in South Australia as a potato fritter. Hate change, being too serious, and political correctness Rooted can be tired, knackered, buggered, fucked (as in rooted) For some reason, which I cant explain, the word fits perfectly. Then you visit an English speaking country and start hearing some very strange slang terms. In Australian vernacular, a dobber is a tattletale. 50), starkers I really think is very British. Some of these words may not be as commonly used these days, but you might still hear them being used ironically or by older Australians. 80s Slang Terms & Phrases Glossary - In the 1980s Bunch of fives = Fist ? Good vibes: Positive energy. 33. Anyway, as an ardent Scrabble player, this list will certainly come in handy, as lots of Aussie slang words (without translation) have recently been added to the word lists. Stories traded over a Furphy water tank and if it sounds outrageous or exaggerated, came to be known as a furphy. Your email address will not be published. Rice Burners/= Cheap and nasty Japanese/Asian cars/vehicles, also can be referred to as Cocoa Tins. This is another instance of rhyming in Australian slang and means to bolt. Chrissie is Australian slang for Christmas! She was wearing these beautiful bright green strides and carrying a surfboard.. Hard yakka is Aussie slang for hard work. Originally a Bludger was an accepted description of a man who lived off the earnings of prostitutes that he controlled. While we wont list this as one of the top 10 things to do in Australia, if youre way out in the bush and trying to have a relaxing evening you may end up doing just thisaka drinking alone. This term refers to Australia and New Zealand; theres no better way to sound like a local than to use the locals term for where youre heading! 1980s Society and Culture Slang exists in large part to comment on the dominant culture of its day. Bloody funny accent that was! Some of the phrases posted are also Cockney rhyming slang, such as Frog and Toad for road. Context of someone being a wanker or up themselves: Fuck me, that James guy is a flog I met my wife by cracking onto her at the restaurant where she worked.. Cheap as chips too. They were trying to bignote themself by name-dropping all the famous people theyd worked with., If youre swamped with work or running from one thing to the next you could tell your Australian friend that youre as busy as a cat burying sh*t., I havent had a moment to put my feet up all week, Ive been as busy as a cat burying sh*t with this new job.. Joining the police was called Taking the shilling. Personal Computer (early 80s) 2. At least this is what we referred it to before the cask of wine was invented (and Ive been around for sixty years). Your update nails it perfectly take the piss is quite common in the UK so not really Aussie lingo. It means are you starting a fight or argument after saying something insulting or youre telling someone off Also Technolgy has now brought in a new strain especially with younger generations. Reg Grundies Undies Awesome: Causing awe; appalling; aweful; as an awesome sight. Evo - an evening. Flogged or flogging came from early convict times, where men and women were flogged as punishment. Ive was in Australia about 10 years ago and bought a sticker sheets called Aussie Lingo! Psych - this one has a few meanings. 80's Slang | 13th Precinct | Obsidian Portal We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the It sounds like youve embraced some of the Australian way of language, which my Austrian father in law did (came with family of 5 in 1964) whilst working all over country Oz! Some of the slang terms are also only used in certain parts of Australia and not others. Has the postie come by yet? Drop the aitch off of any word beginin with a H/h; Horse= Orse; House= Owse etc We've compiled a list of 40 of the most common Australian slang terms so you can become an expert in speaking Aussie. Where's the doovalacky? To quote more Aussie slang, a wank. To say that someone has kangaroos loose in the top paddock is to say that theyre either not very bright, eccentric, or foolish. Pissed off can also mean there just really annoyed, not just drunk, Tinny may be a area or state saying, like grouse in Victoria meaning great. Youre tripping! Or You be tripping! Buggered = Exhausted Dinky Di My uncle is such a stickybeak, always asking about my marriage troubles.. I bet if we put all these slang words into a sentence, people would think we were talking another language! Although this term may sound negative to the untrained ear, it actually indicates a well-known party spot or a place to have a good time Down Under. Aussies did so with language, some of it invented, but much of it borrowed from other English-speaking countries. How about like a bull at a gate a bit wild, out of control, rushed. Hes a bit of a mongrel would refer to someone you dont trust. Preferably amusing? It can be used for anything that is broken or worn out. When shed finished lecturing the boys, Grandma called me a fruit loop for how Id raised them.. The police were known as Bobbys men. Final suggestion would be; the bees knees, Remember my Pop used to use Billy goat for throat also, rifle range in the sky rocket for change in the pocket, cows hoof, which is very (cant say) inappropriate nowadays! Crack the shits= see above. Drop-kick an idiot. Now, Are you having a go? Fair go, mate. Pakky Suburb of Pakenham dole bludger Iffy: anything that is a bit iffy is risky, questionable It can also be an insult though. By the way pissed off is not annoyed its more like Angry. And stubby holder it bloody keeps my hands warm in winter from a cold can and keeps my can cool in summer so my hands dont warm up the beer. To expand on the meaning of furphy, it originated in the first (I think) world war, when Furphy water tankers travelled around the troops distributing water, and also news or gossip, which may or may not have been true. Kip and ky bed and food Franga Suburb of Frankston Airhead: A stupid or unaware person; a moron or dim-wit. Or You for real? Im really surprised you dont have shrimp on a bobby on here!! Avo - avocado. Turps = Alcohol VI Matturday Night Fever, Pingback: Just Moved to Australia? Stuffed means tired or worn out. He said it was London to a brick that the escaped spy and the UFO were related.. bodacious - righteous, as in . This nickname denotes people who think a little too highly of themselves, and actually is an acronym for F*ck Im good, just ask me!, Figjams love to brag about how easy everything is for them with their superior skill set.. There are a couple of others Id clarify. So whether youre headed Down Under for a quick getaway in the sun, or planning to move there permanently, weve got you covered with this list of 125 common Australian slang words that will have even the locals fooled! Righto Righto lets get a move on! As if - A shorted phrase for "as if it were true" or "as if you were right. You missed rightio meaning ok Have a guess as to what Hooks refers to! The slang word refers to a loud-mouth, it has nothing to do with being stupid. We drove 15 clicks just to see the crowd that had assembled at the mention of UFOs.. Sooky My mum (born in 1926) was the youngest of four girls living in Adelaide. The patriotic song of Down Under has become an iconic Australian song across the world, topping the music charts in the 1980s in many countries, including Australia, Britain and the US. 25 Awesome Australian Slang Terms | Mental Floss Australian slang words, terms and phrases are often hard to master at first glance, but with practice, you too can get the hang of the rhyming patterns and fondness for shortening words. But if they laugh or cringe, in some way acknowledging the reference, you've identified a bona fide '90s kid. I dont like your tone Thanks for the word,.Cobber. Both potato scallop and potato fritter are used in Queensland. Sanger sandwich. Some are just Barry McKenzie joke slang, but not in real use. EXAMPLE Ted: Your stepmom is a bodacious babe! Cactus is used for dead. ? Fair Dinkum = Honesty!, Really? This useful invention helps locals and guests alike survive in Australia, and is the Australian name for a window screen. Gone up whoop whoop a long way away Flanno flannelette shirt, Yakka is under Hard Yakka (no. Go muster the cows before the sun goes down.. If youre bored here at the garden party, I can take you to a place thats really going off!. This is a pleasant term for a rather unpleasant thing . Before 1966, Australia's money system was based on the British system and the currency denominations were pounds, shillings and pence. A lot of non Aussies would definitely not get a lot of these terms, even Maccas as Mcdonalds sounds a bit far off. If you find yourself in a bit of an argument and you begin to act unreasonably you might be told to pull ya head in, if however youre right (stubborn) and you really want the other person to believe what youre saying you can say fair dinkum mate. Note: the voice must rise up in pitch at the end of that question. E.g. This phrase will be particularly useful if youre spending time in the Australian Outback, and refers to rounding up sheep or cattle. If your facial appearance leaves something to be desired, perhaps you'd feel more comfortable with a brown paper bag on your head. For example, you walk in to a pub, bar man says howyagoin you reply Im as dry as a dead dingos donga. It may have been used behind the scenes, as people were not so outspoken they had more respect for people around them, #36 is not acceptable slang between anyone its an insult dont use it, Maggot bag meat pie The 1980s Slang That Defined The Decade - Babbel Magazine A short form of Robert is Bob or Bobby. If youre hungry for brekkie you may bog in. This expression denotes digging into a meal with enthusiasm. ? Smoko = Break to have cigarette, I am an Aussie myself and how bout ya putt in you look like a stunned mullet or are ya gonna say something or are ya just gonna stand there like a kangaroo in the headlights or maybe what, what is it? Her boy cousins out in the bush called her a sooky = soft, timid. And only something Ive heard in Australia. Most of the slang is slang but most Aussie slang has 2 translations and only one is given. Came from the Pet Shop Boys with their song "Paninaro". put it in ya sky rocket(put it in your pocket) drier than dingos donga, drought no rain PO Box Q139, QVB Sydney NSW 1230. If someone gives you the drum, theyre giving you the inside scoop, information or a tip-off. party hearty/party hardy. Sketchy = not quite right or risky Taking the piss, is a big one but is that same in UK to like it means youre making fun or making someone believe nonsense. Students will write a letter to a friend using Australian slang about what they did over a two week vacation in Australia. I couldnt believe his attitude; he was really lairing it up to impress his friends.. Some places (e.g. Dogs eye wiv Dead Orse/=Beef/Meat Pie with Tomarda sauce See Australian colloquialisms. Keep up the good work. Close but its supposed to be carked it which means something is dead, broken or has stopped working. Another common one to hear at the pub is hes blotto Yeah dont buy that guy another drink hes already had too many! Some Australian slang can be dated back to Shakespeare's time. I cant wait until Im at uni and I can focus on studying Biology.. Meaning: A word a male would use, something not as crude as say, Shes the dogs boxxocks at her job. To give something a burl is to give something a go in Australia. Salmon $20 note, Footy is sometimes reduced to Foody in some parts of Australia Footy = Foody, You forgot to mention CAPSICUM red pepper . If weve missed any please free to leave a comment below. (Are) You taking the piss? Walkabout = travelling The word mate was held high in earlier years, Mate was the best friend the one that stood by you through thick and thin.People use this terminology freely to day with no substance of the meaning ! bitchin' - amazing; not whining or griping at all. 80s Slang - Etsy Australia It describes what geologists call an Oxbow Lake (look it up). Usually fairly cheap. Down the gurgler = down the plug hole / lost Put somesnagson thebarbie this is a statement youll hear way more often than Put a shrimp on the barbie why? If something is grouse in Australian slang, that means its very good. Much like pissuh, sometimes emphasized with the all purpose adverb, f*ckin, as in f*ckin pissuh. Bag your face. Wear check etcher longer ray? No wuckas the full explanation is that its short for no wuckin furries, which is a humorous and slightly more polite way to say no f*ckin worries. Outbacks outback. A real oldie and reserved for use among mates: Gday Hooks Pearler = beautiful day DAKS is a holder of 3 Royal Warrants; representing a long standing relationship with the Royal Family and the outstanding quality of its products. When your time in Australia comes to a close, be sure to tell everyone hooroo! meaning goodbye. #89 Its not so your hands dont get cold while your drinkingFor Petes Sake Its so your beer stays cold, yer Drongo. An essential item if youre sunbaking, sunnies are sunglasses. While it can be used in a positive context, such as "thrilled, stoked", it can also mean "confuse, intimidate someone". A Lappy could be a laptop computer, but the more common meaning would be Lap dance from a stripper. Are you on your way to Australia to visit friends? Know all of these and use them in my own language much to the amusement of my non Australian friends and colleagues. Italian slang for a person or persons who are fashion conscious. This list has been put together by some of our Australian staff located all around Australia. If something is dinkum in Australia that means its true or genuine. ta If an Australian is stocked then theyre extremely pleased about something. Ive never heard of goon, but if its relating to the wine cask that was cheap coz you couldnt afford anything else when you were a teenager and tasted like horse piss and when you finished it you blew it up and used it as a pillow at the end of the night then thats it lol ah the memories. I like it, especially bcoz it has contained the valuable guide.This is something really helpful. This slang word conveys nonstop talk or nagging, and can also denote a lecture or scolding. You gotta know the context! Wanka what a wanka meaning idiot Funky: Another way of saying "that's cool". Fair Crack of the whip Here are a few '80s slang. With its endless horizons, exciting new foods like Vegemite and Fairy Bread, and fantastic wildlife, Australia is a feast for the imaginative and adventurous spirit within us all. mr-sir Thanks so much! DadnDave/=Shave. Some more I have learnt; Veggies is a sweet way of saying vegetables in Australian slang. Lets go somewhere else, this beach is full of shark biscuits.. Good onya. A lot of Australian slang is inspired by beach and surf culture. 80+ Awesome Australian Slang Words To Know - Ling App Chuck a lefty/righty: driving directions, turn left/right ace - the top; the best. This meaning is commonly associated with rough waves out in the sea. 4. Bonza/=Really good, even brilliant. Where can I get a gonk? Under the pump = feeling stressed or on a deadline. Context of going to the gym: Hey mate, are you going for a flog? Who the hell thought that one up? Ha ha. gash 125 Australian Slang Words & Phrases A Cold One - Beer Accadacca - How Aussies refer to Australian band ACDC Ankle Biter - Child Arvo - Afternoon ( S'Arvo - this afternoon!) Buckleys chance = No hope 1. Voc aparecem entender tanto aproximadamente , como voc escreveu sparkie (electrician) A unit is an apartmentuseful for finding a place to stay on your trip to Oz! Dont think i would be brave enough to shove a parrot down there!! Its far more common for stuffed and knocked up to be used this way. fair dinkum really? Deadly: of its not poisonous and its deadly then its awesome bottle-o (Bottle shop / off license) servo (garage / service station). Think rhymes for a secondthats the key to understanding what Australians mean when they use this phrase to denote taking a look. This is a day off work without being actually sick. Class and Culture . When you learn English youre taught how to speak and write proper English. Larrikin is Irish. Top Tip! Full as a goog eaten so much that I couldnt eat any more. For example, when being prompted by your fellow shearers to get up for work, one might say fair go, Ive got half a mongrel here. Friggen- how to say f&*@%g in front of kids and non sweaters. bull bag knocked up = tired worn out ! Or Yo, is you (f**king) serious (right now)!? I could hear Grandma from across the yard yelling; she was as cross as a frog in a sock that the boys had stolen her cigarettes.. a ring on the dog Bundy = bundeberg rum, Your email address will not be published. Made famous by the ill-fated former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who enjoyed using Australian slang to speak to the . I just thought they were funny, but I dont know what much of it means, maybe you can help? .I once heard a story of an English lady on vacation in Oz who was changing into her swimming gear in a communal womens room. ya mad bastard, performs unbelievable tasks wearing thongs, drinkin piss, sayin shell be right ,kenoath, short for F*%king oath (exaggeration) catch the game last night kenoath i did The slang terms we used to use in the 1970s - Starts at 60 If someones got the wobbly boot on in Australia then theyre drunk. To chuck a yewy means to perform a u-turn in Australian slang. 5.0. Barbie - Barbecue Bathers - Swimsuit Beauty! Hairy Eyeball: Somebody looking at you suspiciously or . Youre looking pretty spiffy in your new car!. Are you having a go means are you giving your best effort to a task be it at work or on a sporting field. Established in 1894 by Simeon Simpson, DAKS produces luxury clothing and accessories for both men and women. Mainly used as a lighthearted way to say yeah, right. Plus a ton that arent even on here that are pretty basic, heres 2 because Im too lazy to add the 15 or so not on there, or the 20+ that arent even close to accurate. Nice Kate. ! Or You playin wit(h) me? These fellahs walk into the Pub, sing out Fisho then take interested clientele back to their refrigerated vehicle. Some of these are old & were used as i was growin up every area is different durry use to be used in the 70s now its more ciggy. A couple Ive never heard at all, in 69 years. I feel like Im surrounded by tall poppies here yet I dont know what to do with my life.. You cant be serious! Amusingly, while I was reading this list, my girlfriend (main squeeze) texted me no problemo. Got- past tense of get. We rocked up at Dons party straight after work.. 1. When I saw the size of the insects outside my room, I was grateful for the fly wire.. Thank you so much for sharing such nice article with us. Find out more about common slang terms from the sixties to the eighties, many of which are no longer used in Australia today. Flat White Coffee with milk, but no froth (Not sure if slang but certainly seems to be an Aussie invention!) It means excellent. Not sure what is a bobby, as we call a barbecue a barbie. Aussies would laugh at the word root in this context (see above). As in hey brudda we going unda dbridge with a goon of sherry. To go bushwalking is to go hiking. As far as Im concerned, anyone who believes the news about the UFO has kangaroos loose in the top paddock..
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